
Date: Mar. 5th, 2007

暨前次大規模的試了些B/C的sample後, 為了週六的社團品酒會再次找出一些新舊sample做個預習, 不過忘了先post出來暖場一下.

Clynelish 32yo 1974/2006 (58.6%, Whiskyfair, 266Bts. Bourbon cask)
Gold color, deep, lo'ts fruity nose, orange, tropical fruit, like walking into a traditional market. Grain reveal later. Dilute get some new spirit like feel. even salty than straight. Light peated. Nosing the best, but still very drinkable. 90 points. 個人非常的喜愛這支酒,每次喝都有上90分的紀錄, 社團品酒會那天有留下來吃飯的人應該都有喝到, 相當受歡迎的一支酒喔!

Brora 22yo 1981/2004 (56.4%, Signatory, 611 Bts. Sherry Butt)

C: Gold brown, quite thick and oil.
N: Some peat, very malty and grain like. hint of sea.(Standard B/C feel)
P: Medium body, mild, medium long finish.
C: 82 points. Not bad, but comparing boring sample. 最近跟Maniac中的Michel 換的酒,他分裝的sample還真是精緻! 以過去喝過的來說這支算是稍弱的產品.

Brora 1977/1998 (56.9%, Rare Malts)
Gold yellow, 餿麥, peat, sea, still clear, malty feel. medium body, warm, medium finish. salty. very nice finish. warm.  90 points. 比前次給的88分還要高, 其實Rare Malt系列還真的蠻有實力的, 難怪我們Ulf為此寫書. 不知道買的人多不多, 內容還蠻豐富的.

Brora 29yo 1972/2002 (59.9%, OMC Platinum)
Gold, lot's of animal feel. 相當的騷, peaty, 餿麥, medium body, strong, medium finish. A nice Brora. 90 points. 比上次給的85分高了一級, 上次喝的酒也有相當重的動物騷味, 不過這次喝的時候可能習慣了吧! 給分就給的高多了.

Clynelish 1995/2006 (59.5%, Royal Mil Whiskies, Single Sherry cask, 10CL bottle)
C: Gold. very oil.
N: Malty, light peated, animal? Tropical fruit, hint of sea. quite nice fruity not.
P: Powerful, young, quite clean. very salty. nice malty influence.
C: 89 points. Straight tastes better, a very clean and nice dram.  這支也是Royal Mile 那種特殊的10cl瓶子, 不過喝起來比另一支Mortlach好多了, 是一支相當乾淨的Clynelish. 放在最後喝完全是忘了它的存在, 結束品飲的時候才想起來去年似乎有買這支酒, 翻了一下才翻出來.後來今天(3/18)又試了一次還是很不錯, 稍低了一分.

Date: Mar. 18, 2007 at home!

Clynelish 12yo (57%, G&M, IG/AIE, Ainsile & Heilbron)
C: Gold, watering.
N: New spirit like, animal(zoo), horse, deer. Cookie reveal later.
P: Medium body, short finish. 相當甜膩, 悶住了!
C: 74 points.Very weak and not attractive, but no bad feeling. Birdaug給的sample? 後面的標示很奇怪, 不知道是替誰裝的, 義大利版本嗎? 接替Royal Mile的酒後面喝, 感覺好弱而且好甜膩的感覺. 不是很喜歡. 看看下次先喝這支會不會翻盤.

Clynelish 1991/2006 Distillers Editions (46%, OB, Oloroso Seco Finish)
C: Gold brown.
N: Malty and sweet, animal like, a little bit apple. hint of 荔枝? Then turned to be very malty.
P: weak, light body. medium finish. but drinable.
C: 79 points. Sweet and easy drinking. not bad. 這是Mitch那天神奇消失又神奇出現的酒, 裝回來試的, 其實這支酒做的還蠻好喝的, 但是太好喝了感覺沒什麼酒廠特色, 就是支好喝的威士忌吧! 我們猜測Seco應該是Second的意思吧?



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