Tasting Time: Sep. 15, 2006
很有趣的經驗, 雖然盲飲, 但是還是有猜對. 由於國內15年純麥種類不多, 還真的蠻好猜的. 我負責15年的評分, 莊主編負責比較難的12年! 不過顯然我雖然認真都調到80以上, 整體分數還是比莊大哥低, 顯然我打分是嚴格了些! 

Sample A:
C: Brown, clear.
N: Smoky, Fruity, quite nice, cirtus, sweet, deep. more nutty and caramel feel. After a while get more nut again.
P: quite sweet, 甘草, medium body, matured and smooth, finish well.
C: 80 points. very balanced. Johnnie Walker Green Label.

Sample B: 
C: Brown, a little bit yellowish.
N: Very different, no smoke, more flowerish. apple, after a white get more malty feel.
P: A little bit salty. get some candy, medium body. Salty finish. a little bit hot, and robust, finished short.
C: 77 points. Nose the best, but not that matured. some drop on palate and finish. Dilute performs better. Scottish Leader.

Sample C:
C: Brownish, Oil.
N: Woody, sherry influence, light smoke. Nutty. Malty. more sherry influence, Kind of simple.
P: Too sweet, candy. prum. finished well. A little bit salty. Medium finish. 
C: 78 points. geeting better after a while. Dewar's.

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