
還是一樣多人, 排了半個鐘頭才進去!


今年來的時間是花季, 地上滿滿的花辦!

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Longmorn 39yo 1969/2009 The Dram Maker (58.9%, G&M for the Mash Tun Tokyo and Kask, C#5298, 460 bts. refill sherry butt)

91 points. very malty, powerful. with heavy good sherry. very rich, toffee. 不意外的, 這支酒是山岡秀雄帶來分享的酒, 不過大概沒有想到我們前一天晚上就開喝, 今天進場才趕著拿給幾個朋友分享, 雖然沒有特別找Longmorn的習慣, 但是不可否認的, 過去的驚驗中, 許多老Longmorn還真的很棒!

Hanyu 1990 (53.6%, Full Proof Holand, WIP, C#9305, first fill sherry)

85 points. a very heavy sherry with some burned metal fell, sulfer, drinkable, but may not be as good as the first bottling. 應該酒友們都還記得之前那驚人的Highland Game與相撲美女吧! 在會場巧遇這個裝瓶商, 特地請我先試飲了即將裝瓶的cask sample. 問起新標籤, 他指著旁邊的畫家攤位說:那得問他了! 對了, 他特別要我跟B大問好!

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Glen Grant 1969/1984 (59%, Samaroli by Duthie, 720 bts.)

92 points. Old malt, light peat, dried fruit, great old Glen Grant, very different from other old ones. 這支酒是我在會場中喝到最棒的一支酒, 後來許多有喝到的酒友都有相的的好評, 當然不意外的, 這支酒是由Dutch Connection 的老有Michael Wigman所開.


Adelphi's Fascadale Island Single Malt 10yo (46%, Adelphi, batch#1, 3,793 bts.)

88 points. quit peaty, iodine, pepper, must be Talisker, clear house style but peatier. eay but with style. 這支Adelphi是新出的系列, 雖然一樣沒有標示酒廠名稱, 但是與之前單桶的不同, 這個系列的酒為混桶的產品, 價前也可親很多. 酒廠的風格明顯, 除了沒有OB那麼甜之外還蠻好猜的.


Springbank 18yo (46%, OB, 2009, blue label)

85 points. lot's citrus, clear malty note. veyr nutty. more bourbon cask influence actually.  這支許多人很哈的酒似乎不如預期, 只能說是正常表現, 不怎麼有Springbank的聯想.但是話說回來, 也沒甚麼不好的表現.只能說自己期待過高吧!


Royal Brackla 16yo (57%, OB, Zenith Import Italy, 3,600 Bts. 80's)

88 points. fresh fruit, citrus, malty, lovely nose, end nutty. 這支酒是會場Lindores的朋友請的, 之前B大就請過這支插花酒, 還在Kingfisher小窖作客了一段時間(保證沒偷喝),這次評分比之前少兩分, 但是查了一下反而比較接近其他MM喝過的分數.


也順便提一下, 我們偉大的Lindores繼發名狗牌式的吊杯器後, 現在連背包水袋都成了必備工具, 還真是佩服佩服!










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