Date: Aug. 10, 2008
Place: at home.

社團七月份的例行品飲由小謝兄舉辦, 服役中的小謝兄不只撥空北上, 還很認真的開出了相當罕見而具話題的酒單, 可惜Kingfisher有重要家庭聚會無法出席, 臨時改買樣品, 昨日抽空品飲了這些酒, 果然是相當有趣的一些品項, 再次感謝!

Isle of Jura 16yo (40%, OB)
C: Gold, quite oil.
N: Grassy, grain, very raw, 發霉穀物, hint of smoke, soy bean.
P: Medium boy, medum long finish. quite malty.
D: Very malty with a little bit more fruity feel.
C: 74 points. A very boring one with lot's of soy bean and raw grain nose
. 有一股發酵的霉味, 雖然看起來是新瓶裝, 小謝兄的說法卻是陸海幾年前進的版本, 也許該算是舊瓶裝? 印象中三年前在東京酒展應該有喝過, 但是看了一下moniter似乎我也沒有紀錄? 姑且把它放在那很爛的2005年裝瓶紀錄好了, malt maniacs monitor平均76分!

Isle of Jura 3yo 1999/2002 (60.7%, OB for Japan, C#92, 447 Bts.)
C: Golden, clear.
N: Very peaty, with lot's citrus, fresh fruit, quite refresh ang good nose.
P: light body, peaty bitter.
C: 84 points. Very nice quality, would be better if spend more time in the woods.
  這是一支很有潛力而且讓人耳目一新的酒, 可惜個人覺得還是有點過於年輕而失去一些發展圓融的機會, MM monitor上面倒是一堆人都給了90~91的高分, 看起來我的要求似乎太高了!

Isle of Jura NAS Experimental (58.8%, OB, C#1124, 705 bts)
C: Golden, clear.
N: Very grassy one, lovely malty note.
P: Medium body, sweet and salty, vey nice palate, malty sweet.
C: 88 points. This is a very nice malt with very good palate. not as peaty as I thought.
 據說是1999蒸餾的三年波本桶泥煤款在2002年改放到70年代的老酒桶中過桶產品, 倒是出奇的好.會不會是有老酒在桶內沒清乾淨的關係呢?

Isle of Jura 5yo 1999 (61.3%, OB, C#144, 606 bts, for whiskyfair,2005)
C: Golden yellow.
N: Tropical fruit, malty, medium peated, matured, rounded, milky cream, sea influence.
P: Salty andpeaty, powerful, finished long. very good palate.
C: 84 points.Rounded and good peaty malt. no complain. but lack of personality.
喝了三支1999年蒸餾的不同型式泥煤款Jura, 看起來這些酒的品質確實很不錯, 很期待這些酒的正式上市!

Isle of Jura 17yo 1988/2006 (56.6%, SMWS,C#31.14)
C: Light yellow. quite clear.
N: Light malty feel, very fruity, minty, pear.
P: Powerful, Bruichladdich like, light body, short finish.
D: Much better with more fruity feel.
C: 83 points. Grassy good one,but not impressive.
憑良心說SMWS的酒都很有水準, 但是有時候真的會感覺少了一些感動!

Isle of Jura 28yo 1975 (60.9%, OB, C#2620, 192 bts. Mathew Forrest Collection)
C: Golden.
N: Very fruity, pear, old bourbon cask matured. malty sweet.
P: medium light body, medium long finish. somewhat dry.
C: 87 points. a standard good ld bourbon cask matured one.
很標準的波本桶陳年老酒. 是不是Jura不重要!

很棒的安排, 尤其是三款不同的1999年泥煤款, 我覺得就算是Richard Patterson親自來帶也不會有更棒的酒單吧!這就是社團的實力!


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