
晚上去參加麥卡倫50yo Lalique 的發表會, 台灣限量15支, 一支賣$288,888.-

不過人家借了國家戲劇院大廳辦發表, 王文華主持, 有女高音演唱羅密歐與茱麗葉, 芭蕾舞者獻跳胡桃鉗將酒帶出場. 貴一點(?)也是應該的. 現場還有人搶破頭訂酒呢!

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Bowmore NAS "Ship Label" (43%, OB, Sherriff Emmepi Roma, 60's)
Color: Dark gold, clear thick legs, going down very slow.
Nose:very fruity, some very interesting old malt nose. Sweet  cereal. hint of vanella. Hint of peat, but not clear. Creaming. Very creamin.  Like refill sherry cask.. But maybe some bourbon cask influence as well.  Fresh cut wood.

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Tasting Date: Mar. 25, 2006,

Yamazaki 22yo 1980/2003 (50.9%, SMWS, Cask#119.1)

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Royal Lochnagar Selected Reserve (43%, OB)
這支再台灣曾經超有名的酒, 賣的超貴, 很多富豪們搜尋不到的酒. Flower, Woody, New cask, malty, soft, mild.  Score:82. 不懂為什麼這麼貴, 有人是說這支酒雖然是NAS, 但是有很多老酒在裡面就是了.

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記得那是2004年的夏天,我們Malt Maniacs中的Serge很興奮的寫了一封e-mail給大家:「我很高興的宣布我們有了一個新成員,他叫做查爾斯‧麥克林;沒錯,就是你們知道的那位查爾斯‧麥克林(Charles MacLean)。」

當時這個消息讓我嚇的在電腦前跳了起來,高興得抱著老婆又叫又跳的說:「你知道查爾斯‧麥克林要加入我們Malt Maniacs了嗎?」老婆問說:「他是誰啊?」「他就是那本《純麥威士忌》(Malt Whisky)的作者,我上個月去酒廠實習的時候帶去的就是這本參考書,」我又從架上抽出了另一本大部頭來「還有這本《蘇格蘭威士忌:酒的故事》(Scotch Whisky—a liquid story),這本堪稱是蘇格蘭威士忌的歷史教材,幾乎所有人都會建議你閱讀的威士忌歷史書。」「所以他很有名了喔?」「當然,他是我們這些玩家最尊敬的大師,甚至超過幾個以評分聞名台灣的人。」

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Ardbeg Still Young 1998/2006 (56.2%, OB)
Color: Yellow, light clear, watering.
Nose: Peat, iodine, a little bit fruit, very light in style, flowerish.

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想了一下,我的極樂13 應該是這樣吧!

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Ardbeg 1990 (55%, OB for Japan, 1,800b.)
C: Light Yellow, clear.
N: Clear peat, standard Ardbeg fruit and peat. A little bit Malty. Citrus with some tropical fruit, yellow flower. Sea.
P: Peat bitter. Robust. Very celar peat. Over powered. Medium light body . short finish. Too peaty. Salty.
Conclusion: 88 points. This is last year’s festival sample. Nose is quite OK. But too peaty.

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Isle of Jura 10yo (40%, OB)

Color: Brown, large legs, going down fast.

Nose: Malty, citrus, fruity, some very light peat, a little bit sherry influence. Sea.

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補紀錄, Mar. 4th, 2006, 春風品酒會

Girvan 14yo 1990/2005 (59.4%, Blackadder, Hogshead#169128, 272b.)
86分, 可以感覺的出穀物酒的特色, 但是不知道是否是後見之明, 香氣還OK, 鹹, 但是不耐喝!

Cragganmore 15yo 1989/2004 (57.9%, Blackadder, Hogshead#1970, 212b.)
82分, 花香及堅果味明顯, 不是我特別喜歡的味道!

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Macallan 14yo 1991/2005 (46%, The Alchemist)
Color: Golden.
Nose: Smoky, quite some sherry influence. Nutty and fruity, apple and rasin.

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Glenfiddich 12yo (40%, OB)
Color: Golden, watering legs.
Nose: Quite nice malty with hint of smoke. Beautiful fruit, pear, apple.  Deep melon.

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Stronachie 12yo (43%, OB, blend from Dewar Rattray)
Score:80. Light yellow. citrus fruit. Malty. Light peat. I espeically like the light peat feel. 春風即將進口的調和威士忌, 值得推薦一下, 跟目前一般調和的風格不盡相同.

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Compass box Hedonism (43%, OB, vatted grain whisky)
Color: Golden orange color.
Nose: tropical fruit, wood, malty sweet, vanilla!
Palate: spicy, dry, light body, finish medium to long. very dry.

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Longmorn 10yo (43%, OB for France, Square bottle, Green Label, Green box, 1970s) 
80, 補這支紀錄, 排隊進場時Maniacs 裡面的Micniel請的, 他說有木塞味, 我覺得還好, 只是我一直沒有特別喜歡Longmorn.

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