Isle of Jura 10yo (40%, OB)
Color: Brown, large legs, going down fast.
Nose: Malty, citrus, fruity, some very light peat, a little bit sherry influence. Sea.
Taste: light to medium body. Dry. Finished short.
Conclusion: 81 points. Beautiful standard OB. Seems much better than any other standard version I’ve tasted before. Quite changed my view on this distillery. 這支酒看起來是新包裝, 喝起來也比我想像中好很多, 國內應該還沒有這個包裝版本, 有人說在Richard的努力下Jura一年比一年表現的好, 我似乎可以感受到他的努力!
Isle of Jura 1990 (60%, OB, WIP sample, 6 weeks in Limousin French Oak finish)
Color: Yellow.
Nose: Spice, lot’s wood. Cinnamon, ginger, adding water feel more malty sweet.
Taste: light body.
Conclusion: 88 points, very strange one, but no doubt a very successful experiment. Very good indeed. 這支酒用的是換桶的手法, 使用少見的全新法國橡木桶, 一般來說通常是拿來存放干邑白蘭地的! 感覺有非常香的木頭味, 我認為是很成功的換桶作品!
Isle of Jura Supersittion (45%, OB)
Color: Brown.
Nose: Peat, sherry, smoky, citrus.
Taste: Mild, smoky, caramel.
Conclusion: 79 points, I still don’t quite like this one. It is said to be a vatting from 13yo and 21yo with 13 ppm phenol Richard said it is best drink in the rain. I must try. He said it will change your feeling on the malt dramatically. 我一向不喜歡這支含泥煤的版本, 這次喝還是不喜歡, 不過Richard說這支酒是設計在雨中喝的, 他說一定要在煙雨濛濛的季節喝, 讓與直接飄到杯中, 你會覺得別有風味! 下次得試試看!
Isle of Jura 1999 Heavily Peated(61%, OB WIP sample, 51 ppm phenol)
Color: Yellow gold. Slow legs.
Nose: Very peaty, lovely. Sweet fruity nose, floral.
Taste: Hot, medium body. Warm
Conclusion: 87 points. Came from the same batch as released to Whisky Exchange. Seems to be a lot much better. I think it well matured well as time goes by. Looking forward to see it over 10yo.這支酒跟喝過兩次的那支Whisky Exchange 是同一批蒸餾的, 只是這支能在陳年中, 我記得第一次喝的是自己買的, 感覺很不喜歡, 泥煤壓倒性的蓋過一切, 第二次喝是maniac award盲飲, 感覺好很多, 這次在喝多了一年多陳年的這支酒, 感覺已經成熟很多, 還不錯, 相信在老些之後應該會是很棒的酒!
Isle of Jura 21yo (54.9%, OB for Whisky Live Tokyo 2006, Cask#444, 280b.)
Color: Brown. Very oil.
Nose: Very sweet. Plum, some peat, meaty, orange.
Taste: Medium body, malty finish. Finished long.
Conclusion: 85 points. Nose is better than the taste. Maybe still need some time. 這支酒是酒展的兩支特別裝瓶之一, 展場並沒有提供試飲, 只有參加這堂課的人才能喝得到, 還可以的一支酒, 聞香不錯! 喝起來普通!
Isle of Jura 1973 (55%, OB WIP sample, over 6 years sherry wood finish)
Color: Brown, beautiful legs.
Nose: very beautiful sherry nose, honey, white flower, light orange.
Taste: Matured well, full body, finished extremely long.
Conclusion: 90 points. A very nice one. Totally changed my view on Jura. 這支老酒真的很棒, 換到雪莉桶陳年了六年, 應該剛好是他們接手Jura 之後才換桶的, 感覺有所有老酒可以感受到的成熟複雜感, 但是同時還頗有活力! 非常直得玩味!
Caol Ila 12yo (46%, Craigellachie Hotel, bottled in 2005)
Conclusion: 90 points. A very nice peaty version. Sweet, peaty, fruity, layers. A very good bottling. 如同預期的, Martin選的很好, 雖然是年輕的酒, 但是頗清新卻又有著泥煤的香味! 很舒服的重泥煤版本! 這支酒事實上有13年, 但是只印出是12年
Mortlach 12yo (46%, Craigellachie Hotel, bottled in 2005)
Conclusion: 90 points. No less, an very impressive Speysider. Martin特別喜歡Mortlach, 這支酒展現一支年輕Speyside的風韻, 很複雜而有活力!
Craigellachie Hotel 的旁邊就是Blackadder的攤位. 之前開幕式的時候沒看到Robin Tucek, 我還想說不知道他到底有沒有來, 問了一下攤位的人才發現他就在我背後. Robin 很高興看到我, 還特別交代我回來別跟Mike說他們在攤位賣的價錢! 我瞄了一下, 似乎只有這支沒進來台灣:
MacDuff 12yo 24,Apr.1993/June 2005 (59.4%, Blackadder, Cask#2029, 293b.)
Conclusion: 89 points very sweet. Very oil, A very typical Blackadder.
Springbank 15yo (46%, OB, Crica 2006)
Conclusion: 84 points. Much better than the recent standard OB. Somewhat easy. Malty. Medium body, medium finish. 感覺是最近原廠裝瓶中較好的版本! 屬於新的包裝, 標籤旁邊有加顏色框的那種.
Arran Vintage 1996/2005 (46%, OB, 6,000b.)
Conclusion: 82 points. Very grassy. Bourbon cask, not so bad. 還算不錯的Arran, 但是不是個人喜歡的風格!
Glenlivet 16yo (59.8%, SMWs, Cask#2.63)
Color: light yellow.
Nose: Peach, citrus, mint, hint of tropical fruit. Lavander, very floral.
Taste: Oil, nice.
Conclusion: 86 points. Very Glenlivet. Adding water get lots floral. 很標準的Glenlivet. 花香味明顯.
Craigellachie 11yo (57.9%, SMWS, Cask#44.29)
Color: light yellow.
Nose: Malt, spicy. Lemon, grassy, hint of peat.
Taste: Medium body. Full finish.
Conclusion: 88 points. Amazing beautiful finish. Bill 特別挑這瓶酒來試, 因為他是從這間酒廠開始進入這個產業, 雖然不有名的酒廠, 但是這是一知有著驚人尾韻的酒!
Mannochmore 12yo (57.2%, SMWS, Cask#64.8)
Color: Gold.
Nose: Nutty, grape, grappa, tropical fruit.
Taste: Medium body. Long finish.
Conclusion: 87 points. Seems from a refill sherry. 沒有太多印象, 記得有些奇怪的水果味道!
Springbank 15yo (54.9%, SMWS, Cask#27.60)
Color: Brown.
Nose: Tropical fruit. Toffee. Very nice sherry influence. Barbecue. Honey. Orange.
Taste: Easy Sweet,
Conclusion: 90 points. An very enjoyable Springbank. 很容易喝的一支酒, 頗輕鬆而有層次!
Bowmore 12yo (60.7%, SMWS, Cask#3.109)
Color: Gold brown.
Nose: Sherry and peat. Smoke. Very smoky. Standard floral. Drafted wood. Earth.
Taste: powerful light.
Conclusion: 89 points. An very nice Bowmore, powerful with clear house style. 很有趣的味道, 但是還是很波摩!
Croftengea 12yo (60.5%, SMWS, Cask#122.10)
Color: yellow.
Nose: Peatm Mint. Lowland, soap. Floral, very smoky.
Taste: light, but nice.
Conclusion: 90 points. Very unique. Nice! 印象很深刻, 很難形容, 念念不忘的酒!
Laphroaig 4yo Apr.1999/July 2003 (60%, Acorn’s)
Conclusion: 88 points. Very unusually BABY Laphroaig. Only 4 years old. But appear to be much more matured than I thought. Acorn’s is a Japanese bottler. 少見的小寶寶Laphroaig. 但是遠比想像中成熟的多! Acorn是還算有名的日本裝瓶商,選酒果然有水準,只是我多花了一點時間跟他寒喧,他很有興趣賣酒來台灣!
Brora 20yo 1982 (58.1%, Rare Malts)
Conclusion: 90 points. Very fruity. Sweet. Peat power. 果香味明顯, 有力道! Diageo展了不少單一麥芽, 令人訝異! 其實這個展覽並不是只限單一麥芽, 也許這或多或少代表了日本單一麥芽的盛行, 傳單很多, 但是都是日文的說明, 後來也只喝了這麼一支, 其他還有很多沒喝過的, 但是沒力氣也沒時間喝,這個攤位的人氣不錯,可見得Diageo在日本下了不少功夫。
Springbank New Make Spirit
Still lovely. Very fruity one.
Kilkerran 2yo (62%, OB, WIP sample)
Color: lightyellow
Nose: very close to new make, more like lowland style. Malty and fruity.
Taste: strong, spicy.
Conclusion: 70 points, neew time. Very rough, thin. Kikerran是重新復廠後的Glengyle, 但是Glengyle在1925年關廠後, 原來的名字被使用在Blend 上面, 所以復廠後不得不重新取名字, Springbank希望逐步的將Compbelt Town的榮景恢復過來.
Hazelburn 1997 (57.5%, OB, WIP sample, bourbon cask)
Color: Light yellow.
Nose: Lot’s citrus, ginger, almond. Little lemon.
Taste: light, full body.
Conclusion: 89 points. Very nice one. Easy, enjoyable. Worth buying.
Spirngbank 8yo (55.3%, OB, distillery tasting room cask, marriage of bourbon and sherry)
Color: brown.
Nose: very Springbank, thin.
Taste: nutty.
Conclusion: 78 points not my style Springbank. 這支酒應該是放在原廠的品飲室讓人裝走的那種Living Cask, 只是很奇怪的說法是有混合雪莉桶及波本桶.
Springbank 8yo 2004 Society bottle (56%, OB, Fresh sherry cask)
Conclusion: 88 points. Brown color. Very complex, layer, powerful. Very enjoyable. Very tired, didn’t write down nosing detail. Brings back 10ml. 非常訝異的得知日本居然只有六個Society member.
Longrow 14yo (46%, OB)
Conclusion: 82 points. Brown color, not bad, sweet, a little bit peat.:
白州 10yo (40%, OB)
Conclusion: 86分, 大多數的人都只知道山崎,