Glenfiddich 12yo (40%, OB)
Color: Golden, watering legs.
Nose: Quite nice malty with hint of smoke. Beautiful fruit, pear, apple. Deep melon.
Palate: Standard Glenfiddish house style. A little bit salty. Light and easy. Finish short.
Conclusion: 79 points. Seems much better than I remember. I actually belive their core range is improving. 這支sample是去年夏天評maniac award留下來的,不過最近深刻覺得Glenfiddich的酒品質有改善.
Grant's NAS Blended Malt (40%, OB, 2006 new, green label)
Color: Golden brown. Quite oil. Beautiful legs, thick and slow.
Nose: Nutty and malty sweet. A little bit honey. Beautiful fruity feel,orange and apple. Some heather flower, hint of nut.
Palate: Under 10yo. young, robust, powerful. Medium body. a little bit nutty and caramel. Short finish, very sweet.
Conculsion: 78 points. Very nice nosing. Looks oil. But tood rough and robust. Adding water get too much caramel. Not good for ice. 這支新的Grant's純麥即將上市, 售價聽說很實惠, nosing很棒的一之酒, 可惜我對焦糖比較敏感.
Monkey Shoulder (40%, OB, William Grant and Son's Blended Malt. Batch#27, 2005, Triple Malts)
Color: Golden brown, not very clear legs. watering. thick.
Nose: Smooth and easy. Citurs. Very creaming. Creal., no sherry influnce.)
Palate: Very creaming in mouth. Hint of citrus.
Conclusion: 80 points. Very clear to get new identity other than Glenfiddich and Balvenie. I would say there is 30% Glenfiddich, 10% Balvenie, and 60% Kinnvie. 這支是去年底我們英國特派員Murder帶回來的禮物, 這支期待已久的純麥,僅用了William Grants旗下三間麥芽酒廠,並且據說有很高比例的Kinnvie, 僅在倫敦的夜店及很少的專賣店販售, 很有趣的體驗, 確實如同傳聞中的奶油味很重.