推薦一間啤酒餐廳: Jolly

這裡是一間泰國菜加上Micro Brewing 的組合, 會想去試還是因為他們那號稱有泥煤的蘇格蘭啤酒. 也許是因為要與啤酒搭配, 菜色上口味偏重, 辛香料加的較多, 但是很合我的口味, 小朋友嘴上喊辣, 還是一口接一口的吃, 真的有點嚇人, 點了幾道常見的泰國菜, 用料非常的實在, 格人尤其推薦涼扮海鮮, 超級新鮮的, 簡直跟高級法國料理有拼, 魚餅比蝦餅有特色! 辣炒牛肉用的是牛肉片, 而不是碎肉, 雖然炒箭筍有點台式但是還是很下飯,蝦醬青菜很腥喔, 要小心!

啤酒的部分, 很明顯的他們比較擅長上層發酵(Ale), 口味濃郁諸如Stout or Pale Ale的部分都比較有趣, 下層發酵Plisener 或是維也納啤酒等都過於濃郁而沒有清新感(Crisp),但是也許如同他們說的沒有過濾,所以酵母菌的花香確實保持的不錯! 老婆跟我都最喜歡蘇格蘭啤酒.(Queenfisher 被教育的很好 )

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Highland Park 10yo 1996/2006 Ambassador Cask 2 (58.8%, OB, Cask#1071, refill sherry butt)
Color: Yellow, a little bit gold, watering.
Nose: Dried fruit, nut, quite strange woody feel. sweet behind. not that pleasent, deep indeed. is that sulfer?
Palate: Hot, young, robust, some bitter and nutty feel. Reminds me some Macallan I just don't like. Salty finish, but again, something bad appeared again.

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Highland Park 40yo 1966/2006 (41%, Duncan Tayler, Cask#4630, 156b.)
Color: Gold.
Nose: Heather, fruity as well, lemon, sweet, very typical HP style. smokier and peater than I thought. a little bit like bourbon cask. but more like refill sherry. creaming. get better and better later. I don't quite like it first. but becoming much better. flower.
Palate:Very salty. last very long. still powerful. Medium to thin body.
Conclusion: 91 points. an vey elegant and good dram. very enjoyable. yet easy to drink. adding water get more orange peel feel. very good body. dry finish. very nice salty. 這支酒延續性不錯, 需要稍稍醒一下.

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Jun. 9, 2006, 仕原家小聚
Port Ellen 21yo 1979/2001 (50%, OMC, 618b. Sherry Cask)
88 points, 複習了一下, 沒有印象中的重雪莉, 風格明顯, 尾韻長, a little bit dry.

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不過不是村上春樹,而是他筆下的吉姆‧麥克伊文(Jim McEwan)。

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BenRiach 12yo (43%, OB)
Color: Golden, not clear legs, watering.
Nose: Fruity, citrus, very beautiful fruit, fresh with some tropical fruity. Mint. Adding water get beautiful flower.
Palate: Light body, easy, medium finish.
Conclusion: 83 points. Light and sweet speyside style. A little bit close to Balvanie. Light. Very nice and enjoyable. Light peated.

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既然Lazy發話了, 就大致介紹一下:

Hunter Valley 有兩間小型啤酒廠, 都不是很出名, 不過對於Kingfisher這樣喜歡大口喝酒大嘴吃肉的人來說,當然是比葡萄莊園吸引來還來得大些! (阿彌陀佛, 才剛做身體檢查發現尿酸與膽固醇偏高, 節制節制!)

比較老而且比較靠外面大馬路的是這間, 這裡複合經營的還有Hotel, Cafe的菜價還算合理,東西也很好吃.

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I was interviewed by Wealth Sep. issue.  (And my name is on cover page!)

My interview:

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Tasting Date: Aug. 26, 206
Ardbeg 27yo 1973/200 (50%, OMC, 228b.)
Color: Light yellow, slow and clear legs.
Nose: Very peaty, light and fresh fruit, then tropical fruit appear, peaty again. Very standard bourbon cask Ardbeg, freshing, deep fruit, very nice nose.

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聽說我已經被接受成為 "The Keeper of The Quaich", 真是高興的不知道如何說, 雖然還沒有得到正式的通知, 但是在這裡先跟大家分享一下!

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July 5th, 2006, Bruichladdich Cask Sample for Club Bottling(And some tasting in that week.)

Bruichladdich 17yo (46%, OB)
Color: Light gold.
Nose: Grassy, malty, fresh fruit.

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簡單談一下這次去Hunter Valley覺得比較值得造訪的地方



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這次在Bali只呆三晚, 原本就打算走之前在出去吃, 吃早餐時看到有這道需要24小時前預定的傳統烤鴨, 當下起了一試的念頭, 這種烤鴨是在鴨肉內塞入辛香料後包在香蕉葉內烘烤而出. 

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這次住的房間旁邊剛好有這裡最新完工的教堂, 真的是最新的喔! 昨天晚上才看他們趕工到半夜, 早上一早進去佈置給日本媒體拍照,

這個三角形的教堂完全被水池環繞, 想想看新娘穿白砂走在水上的樣子, 超浪漫!

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真是糟糕, 在Bali皎潔的月光下, 聽著海浪波動的聲音,看著沙灘上三不五時出現的白人爸媽推著嬰兒車來回哄小孩! 算出我14分!居然沒有滿分。

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