Ardbeg 32yo 1972/2004 (45.3%, OB, Cask#861, 216b. Bourbon Hogshead, for German market)
Color: Brown, slow legs and large.
Nose: Peaty, but not very strong. Beautiful fruity nose. nice and deep. Malty, as well.. Some feel like walking in the barley field. Nosing it self is perfect! I nose it for almost 3 minutes before tasting. Very enjoyable.
Taste: Light body. Dry.
Conclusion: Very Ardbeg. Very bright! 100 point if only for nosing. Like it trying to burst out all it’s life at a very short time. Just like the fireworks. Going down quick. 95 points. A winner! 在一瞬間綻放出所有的生命力, 讓你不斷的回響起那時的感受.
Ardbeg 32yo 1972/2004 (48.3%, OB, Cask#886, 239b. Bourbon Cask, for Oddbin)
Color: Brown. Golden,.
Nose: More smoky. And more peat. Some banana, nut, creaming. It last for quite a long time and kept developing. Become very creaming at the end.
Taste: Medium body. Salty, finished short.
Conclusion. Comparing simple if you drink all out at the first 3 minutes. But it kept developing and turned out to be a winner as well. Amazing. 94 points. 緩慢的上升到頂點, 持續力很強.
Ardbeg 27yo 1976/2004 (51.4%, OB, Cask#2398, 504b. Sherry Butt, for 2004 Feis Ila)
Color: Brown dark.
Nose: Peaty Sherry monster. Apple, raison, some rice. Beautiful floral, pine apple. Chocolate. Complex and layered.
Taste: very peaty, fininshed long, salty.
Conclusion: an very nice one. Need time to develop. Adding water become very smoky. 94 points. 剛開的時候很悶, 到出來需要醒很久, 逐漸的漸入佳境, 很複雜的一支酒.
Ardbeg 31yo 1974/2005 (52.1%, OB, Cask#2752, 133b. Bourbon cask, for Oddbin)
Color: Golden yellow. Clear, beautiful legs.
Nose: Sweet honey. Some peat, fresh, beautiful floral. Simple, smoky.
Taste: Sweet, like candy. Full body.
Conclusion, more like a typical Ardbeg to me. 92 points. 非常的甜, 感覺沒有很Ardbeg.
Ardbeg Provenance 1974/2000 (55%, OB, for Asian market)
Color: Brown.
Nose: peat, citrus, toffee. Quite oil. Adding water become very complex.
Taste: very enjoyable, could be the best till now. Full body. Medium finish.
Conclusion: An typical vatting performance. Very enjoyable. 93 points. 比之前給分高了一分, 喝起來是五支當中最好喝的一支, 可惜香氣還不夠綻放, 也許過幾天會比較好.
Ardbeg 29yo 1975/2004 (47.3%, DL Platum, 255b.)
Color: Brown.
Nose: Thin, peat, sweet. Malty.
Taste: Easy, not bad, full body. Medium finish.
Conclusion: a comparing easy one. But still very nice Ardbeg. 90 points.
Ardbeg 11yo1993/2005 (57.4%, Cadenhead’s, 270b. Bourbon Hogshead.)
Color: yellow.
Nose: citrus, not very peaty. Fruity.
Taste: Young. Stong.
Conclusion: Light and straight. Familiar Ardbeg. 90 points.