Date: May 30 2009
Place: at home
Rosebank 12yo (43%, OB, '60s, Zenith-Milano)
C: Golden Brown. Limburg sample.
N: Very fruity note, citrus, lemon pie, grain, elegant, light oaky. light flower.
P: Light body, medium long finish, very fruity with slightly salty feel. very good palate.
C: 90 points. A great malt with quite nice style and body. very good drinking one. 相當易飲而有力量的酒, 低地的精品.
Mortlach 26yo 1957/1984 (46%, Cadenhead Dumpy, for George Cowie)
C: Yellow, Limburg sample.
N: Rich fresh fruit, orane, apple, light peat, quite robust nose, very malty.
P: Medium light body, creaming.
D: Mor citrus, farm animal, tropical fruit, old malt style.
C: 91 points. Quite un-usual Mortlach, great one.不是很標準的Morlach, 但是相當具有果香, 泥煤也畫龍點睛的帶出層次感, 我覺得這樣的風格還真的很棒. 可惜那個年代蒸餾的產品多半都被G&M裝成重雪莉或是家焦糖的產品了.
Pittyvaich-Glenlivet 13yo 1977/1991 (58.4%, Cadenhead's, 18.75 cl bottle)
C: brown, smple form Hertford, thanks!
N: Sherry influence, raisen, chocolate, toffee, burned wood, light sulfer, very malty.
P: Medium heavy body, medium finish.
C:87 points. More like Morlach sytle. a good sherry monster. 這支反而讓我有很多Morlach的聯想, 以Pittyvaich來說算是相當好的佳作. Cadenhead的選桶實力再次得到證明.
Glenlivet 1975/2000 (58.7%, Mackillop's choice, C#16)
C: Golden brown, sample from SuSC at Hideo party, thanks.
N: Honey, orange, fruity, malty, sweet.
P: Medium light body. quite nice palate, medium finish.
C: 87 points. much better than just open. 比印象中好很多, 也許開瓶醒過真的有差.