
Date: May 24, 2009

Place: at home.

這次為了小朋友在Whisky Live 的表演, 特別情商Cooley支援, 找了四支酒放在豪邁. 可惜認真來喝的人不多, 以後想要嘗試Cooley的酒並不是那麼容易的事情! 搭配上這次Limburg帶回來的兩支高價Jameson, 認真的喝了一下愛爾蘭威士忌!

Jameson Vintage Reserve 2007 (46%, OB)

C: Yellow golden, Limburg sample.

N: very nice fruit, apple, citrus, good grain influence, cookie, lot's vanilla, actually quite similar to Scotch.

P: Medium light body, quite fruity, finished well.

C: 88 points. Quite enjoyable and elegant. very easy drinking one. 非常好而易飲的酒, 感覺像蘇格蘭威士忌靠攏, 沒甚麼好抱怨的, 除了不太有愛爾蘭風味!

Jameson 18yo (40%, OB, Limited reserve)

C: Golden, Limburg sample.

N: vanilla, citrus, woody, very thick vanilla, quite creaming one.

P: Medium body, medium finish, quite matured.

C: 82 points. Nice, but too sweet, too much vanilla. more like bourbon whiskey. 非常沒有愛爾蘭的感覺, 甚至像是波本威士忌, 太甜了! 但是這麼老的愛爾蘭威士忌還真的很少見.

Greenore 8yo (40%, OB, Cooley's single grain whisky)

C: Yellow.

N: Malty, grain, light leather. Still very vanilla.

P: Light body, medium finish, salty sweet, robust.

C: 80 points. quite easy and enjoyable. 這支單一穀物威士忌是目前Cooley的主打酒款(年份較高的15yo), 相當不錯而易飲, 似乎會場中只有這支愛爾蘭威士忌能夠被接受.

Tyrnonnell NAS (40%, OB, Cooley's singel malt whisky)

C: Light yellow.

N: robust, woody, peanut, somewhat leather.

P: Medium light body, somewhat bitter, unique.

C; 80 points. 稍為習慣後還不錯.

Kilbeggan (40%, OB, Cooley's Irish Whiskey)

C: yellow.

N: Vanilla, 亞麻子, leather, light orange.

P: Medium body, sweet, medium finish.

C: 81 points. agian not bad Irish Whiskey once you can drink it. 其實習慣後亞麻子與生皮革的典型愛爾蘭風味還不錯!

Commemara (40%, OB, Cooley's peated single malt)

C: Golden.

N: Peat, gun powder, citrus, light leather (first time.).

P: Light body, short finish, gun powder.

C: 77 points, comparing weak. 如果是高酒精度的版本會好很多.


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    Single Malt Lover!

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