
Date: May 23, 2009



Michael Jackson's Special Blend (43%, BBR, 1,000 bts., bottled in Feb. 2009)

C: Golden.

N: Rich fruity note, orange, prune, lot's malt, pear, light woodiness.

P: Medium light body, matured, quite some peatiness, hint of smoke, finished well.

C: 86 points. not really like a blend, probably something like Japanese and American in it. 這支酒是使用MJ過世後家中留下的各類品飲sample混合成的酒. 意義在於懷念大師, 並且將所有收益捐給帕金森症協會. 以一支house blend 來說這支酒頗有趣, 層次很豐富, 也不太像是一般的調和威士忌(當然不是蘇格蘭威士忌), 我覺得泥煤影響頗深, 也有很多的波本威士忌影響. 但是正如同serge說的, 這支酒的意義大於實質品飲, 我在Limburg的時候一開始只裝了sample, 後來Hideo跟我說他買了三瓶, 我想想不對勁想回去買的時候連裝sample的酒都被裝完了! 返台後趕緊跟exchage定了六瓶寄進來, 還好沒被買光!


Macallan OB NAS (80 proof OB, 26 2/3 Fl, 1950s, 白旋蓋, for F. Jil Rinaldi)

C: Brown, somwhat green.

N: Very nice nose, plum, very malty, light peat, raison, cranberry?

P: Great old malt, matured, very good finish, 仙楂片, somewhat salty, 蜜餞.

D: Citrus, woodiness, more orange.

C: 91 points. a great old Macallan, very charming, not like the current style. 大師最喜歡的酒廠應該就是Macallan吧! 今天就來喝喝這些老麥卡倫. 五零年代的義大利市場裝瓶, 完全不同的風格, 就算是無年分款都讓我很享受!


Macallan 1964/1981 (43%, OB, 75cl)

C: Golden brown.

N: Quite clear peatiness, lot's maltiness. light apple.

P: Light body, peaty, old malt, prune. bitter.

C: 88 points. Anotehr heavy peated macallan, 1964 is a strange vintage for Macallan. 之前Charles MacLean造訪我家的時候按照慣例讓他在Kingfisher小窖選了一支酒, 他當然很厲害的選了我那隻Fine and Rare的1964, 那是一支罕見的重泥煤美國白橡木雪莉桶麥卡倫. 這次在Limburg看到1964年份版的時候當然手癢裝了回來, 沒想到也是類似的重泥煤版本, 雖然沒有很平衡, 但是還蠻開心的.


Macallan 1937 NAS (70 proof, OB, for Cereali-Prodotte, G&M)

C: Dark brown.

N: Peaty, old malt, plum. quite heavy sherry influence. old house.

P: medium body, extreamly long finish, even after ten minitues. mouth watering.

C: 96 points. A great malt, balanced, matured, 一支讓我不斷加分的酒, 濃郁的泥煤味, 老麥芽, 就算有點霉味都讓我很懷念. 尾韻不可思議的長, 喝完十分鐘後還不斷的回甘上來, 這是我喝過最棒的一支麥卡倫, 向大師致敬!



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