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Edradour 10yo 1993/2004 (57.2%, OB, Sauternes Finish)
C: Light yellow, clear.
N: Malty, Light stiley, sweet, vinella, a little bit like rum finish product. Soft fruit, then turn rich, robust, vrry nice nose.
P: Light, robust, medium finish.
C: 82 points.  This is a sample from Johannes. Very nice Edradour. But still some unpleasant finish at end, or I'll give it higher score. Still more like a rum finish to me.  對於Edradour我實在是有點怕, 不過這支還真的不錯.

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Kininvie 15yo Hazelwood 105 (52.5%, OB, 9th, Aug,1990/1st, Aug, 200, First fill sherry cask)
Color: light yellow, large legs, seems watering.
Nose: creamy, light in style, lots of citrus. woody(tannin?), a little bit peat(very little). very Balvenie style, but seems robust and raw in style. Not really like first fill sherry cask? could it be American oak sherry?  some linquorice! finished with cookie/grain.

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帝亞吉歐台灣分公司的Bar上過許多次雜誌廣告, 第一次去的時候太認真談事情了, 僅從外面晃過, 上禮拜去幫綠牌談談我對一些國際競賽的看法(有時間會整理成文章, 希望雜誌的報導OK), 在Bar拍照順便喝了兩支酒!

Cameron Brid NAS (40%, OB)
Color: light yellow.

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Color: Brown.
Nose: Malty, nice fruity feel, rich, apple, citrus, pineapple, sightly sea.
Palate: Medium body, Long finish, very enjoyable, a little bit salty. Light peated.

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既然大家有疑問, 理事長把手裡存下來的與裝瓶的比較一下, 右邊是當初裝的sample, 左邊是正式裝瓶, sample因為只有半瓶,當然會略有氧化, 但是應該不太影響, 根據紀錄, 換到Port 桶的時間是去年的12月, WIPsample是五月取樣, 裝瓶時間是七月.

大家可以看到裝瓶顏色略深, 這點是合理的, 因為過桶五個月與七個約必定有差別, 實際聞香的部分感覺差異不大, 裝瓶後的酒感覺多些穀物麥芽香氣, 這點我們在酒窖試飲的時候就有發現了, 我自己的感覺是兩者散發的香氣都一樣, 但是出現的先後順序有差異, WIPsample 的花香與果香較早出現, Bottled sample 則較被混合在Grain 之中, Bottled sample也酒體略重一點點, 但是不明顯, WIPsample finish稍佳, 但是也不很明顯. 整理來說我會覺得沒有很大的差別!

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Dont need to say too much, if you don't knwo Young Ugeadail or Ugeadail, google it!

Ardbeg Young Ugeadail (59.9%, OB)
Color: Golden, oil, young.
Nose: Very young feel, simple, not aht easy.  Peaty. fresh fruit. honey, flower, not bad.

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快出國了, 趕進度中(tasting and ...)


Tasting Date: Oct. 3, 2006

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Mortlach 1990/2004 Sherry Wood (46%, Wilson & Morgon)
Color: Dark gold.
Nose: Nice fresh fruit nose, clear citrus, nutty sweet. Kind of simple, robust.
Palate: Very nutty, heavy body, gripy. Long fihish. more like refill bourbon hogshead. 
Conclusion: 76 points. Very nice fruity nose, but not typical house style. Hard to recognize as Mortlach. Don't like the nutty fihish.

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Glen Scotia Jul. 1999/Jun. 2006 (52.7%, OB for Whisky Fair, Bourbon barrels#1999/541+542, 464b. Heavily Peated)
Color: Light yellow, straw, pale.
Nose: Peated, a little bit soapy. Reminds you the young bourbon Bowmore, good ones. Vanilla and pear, star fruit, hint of flower.
Palate: Light body. Finished long. Robust, hot. Very nice and fresh. Adding water get more peaty/earthy feel. And become thicker, sweeter, and hot again.

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連續的忙碌與紛擾似乎在今天暫時平息下來,享受難得的寧靜,一個人在家認真的趕稿,也終於開始消化堆積的sample, 眼看MM Awards就要開始,準備水深火熱的日子!
Scapa 12yo (40%, OB, <2004)
Color: light gold, clear.
Nose: very nice citrus nose to start. Sea, light peat, honey and malt. Fresh and sweat, much better then what in my memory. Purple flower/heather. Very beautiful nose, deep cookie note.

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Highland Park 10yo 1996/2006 Ambassador Cask 2 (58.8%, OB, Cask#1071, refill sherry butt)
Color: Yellow, a little bit gold, watering.
Nose: Dried fruit, nut, quite strange woody feel. sweet behind. not that pleasent, deep indeed. is that sulfer?
Palate: Hot, young, robust, some bitter and nutty feel. Reminds me some Macallan I just don't like. Salty finish, but again, something bad appeared again.

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Highland Park 40yo 1966/2006 (41%, Duncan Tayler, Cask#4630, 156b.)
Color: Gold.
Nose: Heather, fruity as well, lemon, sweet, very typical HP style. smokier and peater than I thought. a little bit like bourbon cask. but more like refill sherry. creaming. get better and better later. I don't quite like it first. but becoming much better. flower.
Palate:Very salty. last very long. still powerful. Medium to thin body.
Conclusion: 91 points. an vey elegant and good dram. very enjoyable. yet easy to drink. adding water get more orange peel feel. very good body. dry finish. very nice salty. 這支酒延續性不錯, 需要稍稍醒一下.

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Tasting Date: Aug. 26, 206
Ardbeg 27yo 1973/200 (50%, OMC, 228b.)
Color: Light yellow, slow and clear legs.
Nose: Very peaty, light and fresh fruit, then tropical fruit appear, peaty again. Very standard bourbon cask Ardbeg, freshing, deep fruit, very nice nose.

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July 5th, 2006, Bruichladdich Cask Sample for Club Bottling(And some tasting in that week.)

Bruichladdich 17yo (46%, OB)
Color: Light gold.
Nose: Grassy, malty, fresh fruit.

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Bowmore NAS "Ship Label" (43%, OB, Sherriff Emmepi Roma, 60's)
Color: Dark gold, clear thick legs, going down very slow.
Nose:very fruity, some very interesting old malt nose. Sweet  cereal. hint of vanella. Hint of peat, but not clear. Creaming. Very creamin.  Like refill sherry cask.. But maybe some bourbon cask influence as well.  Fresh cut wood.

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Tasting Date: Mar. 25, 2006,

Yamazaki 22yo 1980/2003 (50.9%, SMWS, Cask#119.1)

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Royal Lochnagar Selected Reserve (43%, OB)
這支再台灣曾經超有名的酒, 賣的超貴, 很多富豪們搜尋不到的酒. Flower, Woody, New cask, malty, soft, mild.  Score:82. 不懂為什麼這麼貴, 有人是說這支酒雖然是NAS, 但是有很多老酒在裡面就是了.

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Ardbeg Still Young 1998/2006 (56.2%, OB)
Color: Yellow, light clear, watering.
Nose: Peat, iodine, a little bit fruit, very light in style, flowerish.

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Ardbeg 1990 (55%, OB for Japan, 1,800b.)
C: Light Yellow, clear.
N: Clear peat, standard Ardbeg fruit and peat. A little bit Malty. Citrus with some tropical fruit, yellow flower. Sea.
P: Peat bitter. Robust. Very celar peat. Over powered. Medium light body . short finish. Too peaty. Salty.
Conclusion: 88 points. This is last year’s festival sample. Nose is quite OK. But too peaty.

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Macallan 14yo 1991/2005 (46%, The Alchemist)
Color: Golden.
Nose: Smoky, quite some sherry influence. Nutty and fruity, apple and rasin.

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