
Kininvie 15yo Hazelwood 105 (52.5%, OB, 9th, Aug,1990/1st, Aug, 200, First fill sherry cask)
Color: light yellow, large legs, seems watering.
Nose: creamy, light in style, lots of citrus. woody(tannin?), a little bit peat(very little). very Balvenie style, but seems robust and raw in style. Not really like first fill sherry cask? could it be American oak sherry?  some linquorice! finished with cookie/grain.
Palate: Light body. some very unique fruity palate, seems like orange, but not exactyly.  Desert herb?  or maybe peach?   Creamy again.
Conclusion: 86 points. Light in style. simlar to Balivenie but very different.  Seems quite un-matured and should be much better to age for additional years. very unique palate.  我知道大家在想什麼, 雖然很想跟他開下去, 但是朋友對我太好了, 叫我不要開, 然後硬是坳了些sample給我, 哈哈! 真的是太感動了... 其實早就知道Kininvie只能算是蒸餾間, 除了蒸餾之外都跟Balvenie share前段, 所以有其類似性是可以期待的, 但是在另外一方面也可以體會到兩者不同之處, 如果說Balvenie熟成快而柔順, Kininvie則也許給你簡單的第一個印象, 但是卻似乎需要更多時間陳年? 給的分數如我預期. 爽的是沒人喝過...^_^

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