
Date: Oct. 15, 2006
Place: at home, 收到MM Award sample前的最後一次進度.

Rosebank 13yo 1990/2004 (46%, DT, Whisky Galore label)
C: Yellow, clear, watering.
N: Fruity, spicy, orange zess, hay, new oak, fresh grass.
P: Light body, medium fresh, Malty, a little bit spicy again. peperish.
C: 79 points. Dilute get more lemon, a very clean malt, quite nice in nose, ut again not my style. 再次感謝Lazy, 應該是Kingfisher酒窖整理好的那次一支會帶來的酒吧!

Auchentoshan 21yo (43%, OB)
C: Deep gold, seems oil.
N: Nutty with hint of citrus, cookie, grain. deep.
P: light body, long finish, very ncie in palate, good balance, lot's of fruit with just hint of malt.
C: 82 points. Dilute get better nose. more grassy, hint of peat? feel much better. This is the malt need to give it some time. Balanced well. 喝過這支酒幾次, 印象一直很好, 但是在評分上一直跳來跳去, 記得第一次的印象就是Stephen辦的本島21年品酒會, 那時候的印象就是這是一支好酒, 但是我不喜歡! 這大概就是後來分數會亂跳的主要原因吧!

Linlithgow 27yo 1974/2001 (50%, Silver Seal, 1st Bottling, 180 Bts.)
C: Golden yellow, oily.
N: Interesting tropical fruit, pine apple, orange, spicy, cooky/ grain at back, then turned quite refreshing.
P: Perfect pallate. Sweet, medium body, dry finish. last long. with lot's of fruit, This is the one I want to keep for future dramming.
C: 90 points. Dilute get more animal feel. Even after dilution still very enjoyable. This is a very nice Linlithgow.  應該是Bird大哥給的sample, 真正證明了低地的魅力!

Jura 19yo 1984 (42%, OB, George Oawell Edition)
C: Brown, watering.
N: very nutty, kind of animal, 燉飯般的感覺? very few malty feel.
P: Medium body. short finish. seems younger than the age shown. Still nutty in palate. and getting better.
C: 74 points. Truly collectable item, but maybe not for dramming. 沒錯, 這支就是團購的那支1984喬治歐威爾版本, 感謝Kanne慷慨開瓶與大家分享, 而結果也正如預期: 可能留下來做紀念更有價值些!

Glenglassaugh 1973 (40%, OB, Family Silver)
C: Deep gold, a little bit brownish.
N: Animal, (奇怪那天一直聞到), sherry influency, nutty, earthy, tropical fruit, some rum like nose.
P: Medium-light body, medium finish. quite sweet and easy to drink. matured.
C: 79 points. one point less then my previous score. Easy to enjoy, just kind of weak.  這支酒也算是收藏級的喔! 感謝世昌兄的sample讓我再次回味!

Glenmorangie 1974 (52.9%, OB, WIP cask sample, drown on 22, Oct, 1998)
C: Deep brown. clean, a little bit greenish.
N: Deep sherried. hint of grain. some dark chocolate and toffee. kind of raisin, apple.
P: Light body, medium finish, very light in style. even it is a sherry monster.
C: 84 points. Sample from Brian's Dutch friend again. get more animal feel. An Easy Glenmorangie, but not necessary to be the good one. 又是B大的朋友送來的, 很有趣而珍貴的一支原酒, 在重雪莉的影響下還是表現出Glenmorangie的輕!




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