嗚!嗚! 愧對眾家酒友, 沒想大大家還是把這些珍貴的Laphroaig 開下去了, 早知道還是要拿支Laphroaig來, 不過有機會喝喝澳洲酒也是不錯的啦!
晚到了些, 陪小朋友游泳, 不知不覺間女兒已經游的比我快了, 真是歲月不饒人! 眾家酒友還真是出了大本錢, 現場的酒多到喝不完, 挑著喝了這些.
Date: July 7, 2007
Arran 1995/202 (58.1%, OB, C#95/158, 183 Bts.)
C: Golden brown, oil.
N: Fruity, lot's of orange/cirturs, vey young, new spirit like. malty.
P: Hot, lot's of alcohol. vey salty.
C: 79 points. Comparing good to other standard Arran. Kind of new. Still not my style. 感覺還不錯, 但是太年輕了, 還是非常需要陳年的酒.
Strathisla 30yo 1976 (61.1%, Jack & Jack, C#4222, 100 Bts.)
C: Brown
N: Heavy sherry, prum, lot's of malt, quite complex.
P: Quite hard. dry, salty, good palate.
C: 87 point. a vey nice old sherry malt. powerful. 據說我喝過, 不過不太記得給幾分, 不錯的一支酒, 相當複雜而引人陶醉, 不過那天有點熱, 如果冬天喝應該會給更高分.
Strathisla 38yo 1967 (43.^%, MMCD, Mission, Bourbon/Grenache Banyuls cask, 300 Bts.)
C: Brown.
N: Malty, fruity, some sour fruit feel. sour juice.
P: dry, weak, kind of too old.
C: 76 points. vey standard wine cask finish. Can't understand why Jim would like to do such a thing to an old Strathisla. 雖然可以喝, 但是感覺很疲憊的一支酒, 葡萄酒桶的味道過於進入!
Laphroaig 17yo 1989/2007 (50.3%, OB, for Feis Ila and Friends of Laphroaig)
C: Golden brown.
N: Lot's of iodine, sea, very peaty, rich and good.
P: Peaty bitter, light. kind of weak.
C: 86 points. vey good nose but kind od weak in palate. where is the body. 聞香很棒但是品飲有著相當的落差, 有點可惜, 但是還是不錯.
Laphroaig 1976 (43%, OB, 750ml)
C: Brown.
N: Peaty, a little bit animal/boggy like. sulfer. very standard old Laphroaig
P: Medium rich, dry, good. easy.
C: 90 points. Medium body. balanced. very nice. 一支相當平衡的Laphroaig 老酒, 讓你再度想起30yo的美!
最後結尾沒認真喝的是之前Malt Maniacs 2005最佳酒款兼得金牌的那支法國版Laphroaig 1974 31yo, 完美的結尾! 92分!
Mitch, 小雙雙的滿月酒真的很棒, 女兒紅準備了哪一支啊?
晚到了些, 陪小朋友游泳, 不知不覺間女兒已經游的比我快了, 真是歲月不饒人! 眾家酒友還真是出了大本錢, 現場的酒多到喝不完, 挑著喝了這些.
Date: July 7, 2007
Arran 1995/202 (58.1%, OB, C#95/158, 183 Bts.)
C: Golden brown, oil.
N: Fruity, lot's of orange/cirturs, vey young, new spirit like. malty.
P: Hot, lot's of alcohol. vey salty.
C: 79 points. Comparing good to other standard Arran. Kind of new. Still not my style. 感覺還不錯, 但是太年輕了, 還是非常需要陳年的酒.
Strathisla 30yo 1976 (61.1%, Jack & Jack, C#4222, 100 Bts.)
C: Brown
N: Heavy sherry, prum, lot's of malt, quite complex.
P: Quite hard. dry, salty, good palate.
C: 87 point. a vey nice old sherry malt. powerful. 據說我喝過, 不過不太記得給幾分, 不錯的一支酒, 相當複雜而引人陶醉, 不過那天有點熱, 如果冬天喝應該會給更高分.
Strathisla 38yo 1967 (43.^%, MMCD, Mission, Bourbon/Grenache Banyuls cask, 300 Bts.)
C: Brown.
N: Malty, fruity, some sour fruit feel. sour juice.
P: dry, weak, kind of too old.
C: 76 points. vey standard wine cask finish. Can't understand why Jim would like to do such a thing to an old Strathisla. 雖然可以喝, 但是感覺很疲憊的一支酒, 葡萄酒桶的味道過於進入!
Laphroaig 17yo 1989/2007 (50.3%, OB, for Feis Ila and Friends of Laphroaig)
C: Golden brown.
N: Lot's of iodine, sea, very peaty, rich and good.
P: Peaty bitter, light. kind of weak.
C: 86 points. vey good nose but kind od weak in palate. where is the body. 聞香很棒但是品飲有著相當的落差, 有點可惜, 但是還是不錯.
Laphroaig 1976 (43%, OB, 750ml)
C: Brown.
N: Peaty, a little bit animal/boggy like. sulfer. very standard old Laphroaig
P: Medium rich, dry, good. easy.
C: 90 points. Medium body. balanced. very nice. 一支相當平衡的Laphroaig 老酒, 讓你再度想起30yo的美!
最後結尾沒認真喝的是之前Malt Maniacs 2005最佳酒款兼得金牌的那支法國版Laphroaig 1974 31yo, 完美的結尾! 92分!
Mitch, 小雙雙的滿月酒真的很棒, 女兒紅準備了哪一支啊?