Date: Apr. 28, 2007


Bruichladdich 12o (46%, OB, 2006)
82 points
. 漱漱口, 當基準酒, 比之前高一分, Very fruity, wothl lot's of citrus. veyy nice palate.

Bruichladdich NAS Links St. Andrews Swilcan Bridge (46%, OB, 500ml BT.)
C: Gold.
N: Lot's of tropical fruit. More sherry influence, malty. stable. thick.
P: Medium bdy. medium long finish. mouth coating. Quite nice palate. Light peated.
C: 83 point.s Quite nice and thick body. very different from the 12yo OB. 感覺雪莉桶的比例很高, 不過屬於重複裝填桶的感覺,  另: 到了這支Link 似乎大家已經搞不清楚是第幾版的Link了, 還算是收藏酒嗎?應該是紀念酒吧! Thanks, Brian! (Or who?)

Bruichladdich 12yo 1994/2006 (57%, OB, For King's Court Whisky Society NL, Jamaican Dark Rum Finish, C#20, 251 Bts.)
C: Light straw, clear, very light in color. Sample from Michel.
N: Very new spirit feel. with lot's of easter nose. A little bit Rum. Would be interesting to compare with the BenRiach rum finish.
P: Very light body. medium finish. robust.
C: 80 points. Nice choice. nosing very good. but too robust in palate.  這支酒是荷蘭的Maniacs, Michel,的社團裝瓶, 感想: 我們家的酒比較好喝!社團裝瓶還是要很小心!

Bruichladdich 1990/2005 Valinch "Viking Visit" (54.9%, OB, C#716, 345Bts.)
C: Gold brown.
N: Very fruity, more like the 12yo core range. Lot's of citrus. and malty feel. more matured.
P: Medium light body. more flower and easter feel. dry.
C: 82 points. Dilute get much better nose, not bad, but 12yo core range is enough. Sample from Michel. 這支應該是一些挪威人開船造訪Bruichladdich時所開的酒廠裝瓶版本, 原廠網站的做得不太好, 之前還看過照片的, 現在已經都找不到資料了...

Bruichladdich 22yo 1965 (48.8%, OB, Black Label, tall bottle)
C: Gold brown.
N: Very malty, hint of citrus, some ripe apple, light peated, very speyside.
P: light body, dry finish. Long. Not too impressive.
C: 84 points. Dilute get much better fruity feel and finish. This is the one your need lot's amount in mouth to enjoy. Nice but not impressive.  這支酒是這次從Limburg帶回來的罕見老酒, 不過可惜的正是如同之前試過的舊版本, 都是屬於過分追求容易接受的口感而缺乏複雜度, 再次證實了選桶的重要性, Jim對於目前的Bruichladdich來說還真是不可或缺的靈魂人物啊!


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