Caol Ila 1982/2008 (61.9%, Queen of the Moorland,60 bts.)
86 points. kind of wine cask feel. very sweet, medium heavy body, not really like the Caol Ila I remember. could be a sherry cask. Add some water release more layer. 這支酒來自一個年輕的狂熱弟弟Angus, 才二十幾歲的他在兩三年前突然狂熱的愛上威士忌, 於是開始在艾雷的各酒廠打零工,這支酒是他在去年Feis Ila找到的酒, 雖然頗為獨特, 但是不太讓我有Caol Ila 的聯想.
Dailuaine-Glenlivet 1966/1997 (56.8%, Cadenhead, Chairman's stock, butt, 444 bts.)
88 points. Very rich fruit, tropical feeel, peat influence, melon, pear, dry finish. quite nice old Speysider. 相當不錯的老Speyside, 許多層次的果香, 稍澀尾韻. 這是MARA開的酒, 很有趣的事情是我們通常都會在MARA旁邊喝.
Tamdhu 1988/2009 20yo (54.3%, Kruger's of WhiskyAuction)
84 points. sulfer, match box, rich tropical fruit. 本來要去吃飯了, 碰到Kruger又被拉住喝酒, 跟他說我最近都標不到酒的事情, 他說我只是捨不得花錢.
Springbank NAS 1999 (57.5%, OB, for Thomas Kruger, C#386, crica2009)
86 points. a good Springbank. 趕著去吃飯, 只簡單喝了一口, 比我手裡的這兩隻都好, 最進出來一批十年左右的個人桶, 顯然就是同樣一批跑去買個人桶的娤瓶.