
Bruichladdich 12yo 1994/2006 (55.1%, OB, 335 Bts. Bourbon Casks, Taiwan exculisive)
C: Gold Brown.
N: Malty, a little bit soapy feel. somwwhat cherry note(紅櫻桃), strawberry?, new spirit feel.
P: Light body, strong, young, robust, hard feeling. bruning. Very new spirit. finished sweet, the only thing I like.
D: dilute get less chear soapy feel. Barn/stable note, like farm.
C: 74 points. Not the Bruichladdich I like, is it comes from damaged casks?有點令人遺憾, 很特別但是並不是令人愉悅的酒. 

Springbank 9yo 1996/2006 Marsala Wood (58%, OB, 7740 Bts., 7yo in Refill bourbon, 2yo finsih in Marsala)
C: Brow. quite oil.
N: Animal like, tropical fruit, thick nose. malty. ripe apple.
P: Medium body, young, medium finish. Quite nice palate. taste quite good comaring with other wood finish series.
D: Dilute get more citrus, but stil clear animal like feel.
C: 83 points. Quite nice experiment. get something unusual for SP yet still clear house style. 據說這支酒是最後的wood series. 以過去的裝瓶來說表現算是不錯的. Marsala是起源於義大利西西里島西部同地名的的加烈葡萄酒, 比較常被提到的時候都與製作當地有名甜點提拉米蘇(Tiramisu)相關.

有興趣的人可以參照Yilan的文章:Tiramisu的天堂滋味(四 )

Mortlach 30yo 1973/2004 (50%, OMC, 298 Bts. C# 1388, Refill hogshead)
C: Gold.
N: Clear citrus/orange, fresh and enjoyable. hint of malt at the end.
P: Matured, mild, medium body, medium long finish.
C: 84 points. a comparing easy Mortlach. Quite Speyside feel. 感覺上並不是我熟悉的Mortlach, 太清新了些.

Ardbeg 7yo 1998/2006 (58%, SMWS, C#33.62, Unique perfection)
C: thick gold. quite oil.
N: Burning. sulfer like, nutty. peatiness a little bit hidden behind the weired nose. Mixed fruity feel. ripe/demanged tropical fruit.
P: Medium body, thick, finished long. very nutty edn. Sulfer again, boiled egg.(煮壞的溫泉蛋?) demanged cask? rusty metal?
C: 69 points. Unbelievable weired, truly UNIQUE, but far from PERFECTION. Something I really don't like. Not the beautiful Ardbeg I want. very weired and unpleasant finish. 聽說有頗多人喜歡, Single Malt 有趣的地方就在於此吧, 每個人都有自己獨特的口感.

補充一下, 其實這批SMWS的酒有很多頗棒, 上次簡單品飲的sample如下, 都在聊天, 僅簡單的打個印象分數, 提供大家參考:
80 points. Benrinnes 10yo SMWS#36.33
89 points. Glenlossie 28yo SMWS#46.13
88 points. Mortlach 9yo SMWS#76.47
81 points. Inchgower 21yo SMWS#18.25
80 points. Dalmore 21yo SMWS#13.38
87 points. Bowmore 12yo SMWS#3.111
85 points. Glenfarclas 30yo SMWS#1.127
90 points. Clynelish 22yo SMWS#26.46
82 points. Glendullan 12yo SMWS#84.8

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    Single Malt Lover!

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