
Yamazaki 遊記 (七, 完)

結束參訪的我要做什麼呢? 哈哈! 當然是最高興的自由品飲, Yamazaki附設的Whisky Bar有著令人瘋狂的自由品飲, 愛酒的人可以自由選擇想品飲的酒, 以單杯付費方式進行, 這是愛酒人的天堂! Kingfisher在這裡自由自在的度過了接近三個小時的品飲, 真是太幸福了, 下列是簡單的紀錄:

起始的品飲當然是要從新酒去嘗試, 首先嘗試的當然是同樣酒廠的不同蒸餾器帶出的不同風格:

Yamazaki New Pot Light Style
Very fruity , with lot's of elegant nose, apple, flower, slaty, sweet.

Yamazaki New Pot, Medium Style
Fruity, Heavier, still quite new spirit feel. taste better.


Yamazaki, WIP sample,  1993, 間接加熱大型蒸餾器
85 points, Very fruity, fresh fruit, with some flower feel, grassy, Vanilla comes out later, Light in style, works well with Yamaziky house style.

Yamazaki WIP sample, 1993, 直火加熱小型蒸餾器
82 points, Very different with little fruity feel, Malty with nice vanilla,pear, apple nose. quite different from previous sample.

然後嘗試的是幾支老酒(可能是Vintage Malt 系列, 但是不是很確定, 判斷的依據是酒精度, manu上面沒有標出來):

Yamazaki 1980, 56%
80 points. Brown, nice work, with some Japanese oak feel. 檀香, Very oil with some orange/citrus feel. Standard Yamazaki house style. Finished dry. 

Yamazaki 1973, 56%
86 points, Brow, strong sherry influence, some chocolate with orange and plum, blanced well. finished nice and dry.

Yamazaki 1970, 56%
79 points. Very unusual. Gold/brown color, finished light, lot's grain, some plum, could comes from refill cask. but maybe a tiring one. Don't have enough energy. some bad feeling at the end. Over the edge.


Yamazaki 1989 Puncheon
Puncheon是545公升的雪莉桶, 我不是很確定, 似乎是較常用來裝Fino Sherry的桶子, 比常見的Butt桶來得狭長, 有人知道的麻煩指導一下! 79 points, very light color(Straw-yellow), new spirit like, easter, robust, ceral grain. comparing quite different from any previous Yamazaki, grassy. vey white wine feel. Dilute taste much better.

Yamazaki 1989 Sherry Butt
89 points. Lots of sherry note. Chocolate, plum, merged very well. Hint of Japanese whisky feel. Sweet and easy.

喝完上面那兩支酒, 決定回頭再次嘗試不同木桶的影響.
Yamazaki Japanese Oak
85 points. Very similar to the sample we taste in Taiwan, not that much 檀香, but can still clear identify the unique nose.  vey nice flower and fruity feel.

Yamazaki White Oak
The girl told me it's new oak, but quite close to bourbon casks.  Lot's of grain/cereal note, very dry and boring, lot's ot oak influence, vanilla. 81 points.

Yamazaki Bourbon Cask
More vanilla, sweeter, much more easier in palate.  80 points.

其實喝到這裡已經有點醉了, 雖然喝下去的不多, 還努力的裝了些sample 回來, 但是也許睡得晚, 還是有點不行, 接下來的幾支sample應該是有關酵母的, 但是我紀錄的很奇怪, 自己都看不懂, 就不記了:

Yamazaki non-peated distillery yeast
Yamazaki Leafy note
Yamazaki Flower note


Hibiki 17yo 50.5%
78 points. 這支酒是酒廠限定高酒精度版本, 很清楚辨識出的響的特色, but quite raw in style, got more grain note. some caramel, I like the normal 17yo.

Hibiki 30yo 43%
95points. 讓我很感動的一支酒, 很多的日本橡木香氣, 相當多的花香, 淳厚而圓滑, 絕對的大師級作品, 是我喝過最好的調和威士忌, 喝了這支就知道為何取名作響了

不得不在此感謝一下,一開始喝的時候原本負責的小姐並不懂英文, 後來換班的時候請來了一個英文很好的小姐, 給了我很多幫助, 後來雖然換班的人來, 看到我還在喝, 還是多值了一班陪我,真的很感動! 最後請她手持響30年拍照留念! 結束我這次日本的參訪!

後記: 山崎酒廠有很多好的紀念品可以買, Kingfisher尤其推薦使用山崎與白州威士忌做成的蛋糕, 超級好吃, 是造訪酒廠必買的紀念品!

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