
Date: Mar. 21, 2008

Arran NAS Robert Burn World Fundation (40%, OB)

C: Very light staw.

N: New Spirit, very fruity, cran berry, star fruit, grassy.

P: light body, clean, malty. sweet.

C: 72 points. Clean, soybean milk, fiished weird. 很貴但是很怪而不怎麼喝的酒. 應該是B大給的吧?

Bruichladdich 15yo 1986/2001 (46%, OB, C#356, Sherry Cask, 800 bts. Country Life)

C: Brown.

N: Plune, sulfer, match box, creaming.

P: Robust, heavy body, plate killing.

C: 82 points. Nice sherry though somewhat too robust. 算是前幾年有名的收藏等級酒,但是這幾年Laddie實在出太多特別款了, 讓我非常懷疑這些特別款的增值性. 不論如何, 又是支標準的重雪莉, 有些人也許會不太喜歡就是了.

Bushmill 1989/2005 (56.5%, OB, C#8195, Munichon whisky fair)

C: Yellow golden.

N:Lot's citrus, creaming, nutty, hint of leather. very scottish.

P: Medum light body. medium lon finish.

D: Very citrus.

C: 89 points. One of the best Bushmill, master piece. 很可惜的,國內並不容易找到愛爾蘭威士忌,這個樣品應該是我從Limburg裝回來的吧? Bushmill是很難得的優質酒, 尤其是這種單一桶的特別款, 相當受到好評.

Red Breast 12yo (40%, OB, John James & Son., Old bottle, 70s?)

C: Orange brown.

N: Very leather. and leather, and leather.  Just imagie you get a new leather bag.

P: Medium body. still very leather in palate. just like chewing a leather.

C: 65 points. very uniquie, not drinkable. 彷彿丟了一塊生皮革到嘴巴裡面咀嚼. 我終於知道書上寫的愛爾蘭威士忌皮革味是怎麼一回事. 完全搞不懂這支名酒受到喜好的原因.

Aberlour 17yo 1990/2007 (60.6%, Blackaddder, C#3328, 240bts. Sherry Hogshead)

C: Brown. Somewhat coffee.

N: Strong chocolate, smoky. soybean oil. prune.

P: Medium heavy body. very heavy shrried.

C: 87 points. Good smokiness. strong yet balanced. 好像是Hertford給我的嗎? 相當不錯的一支酒. 我總覺得Robin選酒強悍, 跟這種本來就重酒體的酒廠非常的合.



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