Date: July, 28, 2008
Place: at home
Littlemill 17yo 1990/2007 (56%, SMWS#97.9)
C: Golden.
N: Beautiful rich nose, malty with orange note,lemon zest, much better than I expected. then turn rich malty nose, very refreshing.
P: Medium light body, surprising good palate, very honey. powerful ending.
D: get some minty and boggy note, heather?
C: 90 points. this is a very unusual Littlemill, probable the best one from this distillery. 完全超出我預期的酒, 該是我喝過最好的小磨坊吧!
Glen Scotia 15yo 1992/2008 (64.6%, SMWS#93.29)
C: Yellow-brown.
N: Tropical fruit, hint of peat, malty, burned fire, liqurice.
P: Medium body, powerful, long finish. ended sugar sweet with some orange. nice fruty palate.
C: 87 points. Straight taste better, dilute get too much mint and grass, somewhat Japanese like New wood?, robust and smoky ending. 有點難以形容的酒, 居然有些許煙燻灰燼的味道, 強烈感, 值得嚐試一下.
Springbank 15yo (46%, OB, new label, +/-2008)
C: light yellow, 上次豪邁品酒會遲到裝回來喝的酒.
N: Very grassy, sugar, animal, boring.
P: Light body, medium finish.
C: 78 points. quite light in style, not easy to tell SP house style. 本來就不抱期待, 結果還是一樣沒印象.
Springbank 12yo 1995/2008 (54.2%, SMWS#27.67)
C: Dark brown, quite red.
N: Sweet sherry note, prum, orange, mint, animal, grain.
P: Medium light body, enjoyable and rounded.
C: 87 points. straight taste better. 一支近來表現最中規中矩的年輕雪莉桶雲頂, 沒有怪味, 比近期OB表現好太多了, 雲頂的未來實在令人擔憂.
Dalmore 11yo 1996/2008 (62.6%, SMWS#13.40)
C: Golden.
N: Sulfer, earthy, quite Dalmore, burned rubber,dry fruity, cake, robust, chocolate.
P: Medium light body, short finish. sulfer note after taste.
C: 79 points. unbalanced, strong. 過於強烈而不平衡的一支酒, 還蠻Dalmore的.
Old Pulteney 1990/2006 (59%, G&M, first fill sherry butt, C#5469)
C: Brown. quite clear color, 大魔王給的sample嗎? thanks!
N: earthy, sulfer, chocolate.
P: Medium heavy body, medium finish, quite strong with lot'swoody influence.
C: 80 points. slightly better than Dalmore, 頗強悍的一支年輕重雪莉酒款.
Invergordon 1965 WIP (50.8%, Duncan Tayler, C#15518, drawn 21/05/08)
C: Golden, oil.
N: Very rich vanilla and fruity not, clear coconut, rice cake, 灑滿椰子粉的娘惹糕.
P: Medium light body, coconut again.
C: 78 points. Coconut, coconut, coconut, unfortunately, I don't like coconut. 第一次喝到這麼明顯的椰子粉, 雖然應該算是不錯的穀物威士忌, 但是不是我喜歡的風格.
Caperdonich 1968 WIP (56%, DT, C#2608, drawn 22/01/08)
C: Golden.
N: Orange, animal, mint, perfume,flower.
P: Light body, medium finish, dry, woody.
C: 76 points. a very weak old one, high strength doesn't help at all. 應該是標準的疲乏老木桶, 很失望.
Glen Keith 32yo 1971/2004 (56.4%, SMWS#81.11)
C: Brown, quite red.
N: Very nice deep sherry. rick cake, barn, a little bit animal, very sherry like, complex and deep.
P: very good old sherry malt, medium body, medium long finish, rounded and lingering chocolate note. charming.
C: 93 points. I just like it. 很棒的一支老雪莉桶, 應該是SMWS台灣進過最棒的一支酒.
Bunnahabhain 10yo 1997/2008 (57.1%, SMWS#10.61)
C: Brown.
N: Sherry influence, lot's chocolate, very thick nose, very malty.
P: Medium heavy body, medium finish, dark chocolate palate. eggy.
C: 84 points. not very Bunnahabhain, 相當不錯的重雪莉巧克力風味, 很難猜得出酒廠是哪一間.
Highland Park 8yo 1999/2008 (59.8%, SMWS#4.124)
C: Yellow.
N: Quite fruity note, mellon, light peat, pear, green tea, minty malt.
P: Medium light body, medium finish, robust, hot, more like Talisker, dilute get more heather.
C: 81 points. Nice Highland Park, but kind of too young. need more time. 其實是很不錯的一支酒, 但是應該多陳年個幾年.
Croftengea 15yo 1992/2008 (59.5%, SMWS#122.15)
C: Yellow.
N: Peaty, gun powder, mint, more like Caol Ila.
P: Light body, oil palate. strong, short finish.
C: 80 points. Peaty malt, easy and straight. 有點過於簡單的重泥煤酒款.
Caol Ila 11yo 1996/2007 (60.2%, SMWS#53.119)
C: Light yellow, clear.
N: Peaty, clear grain, iodine, very clean one.
P: Medium light body, short finish, sweet peaty note.
C: 89 points. fresh and caean, 這是一支相當乾淨而吸引人的酒, 泥煤恰到好處的突出.
Caol Ila 13yo 1993/2006 (61.3%, SMWS#53.104)
C: Light yellow.
N: Peaty, with grain malty note.
P: Medium body, peaty bitter, peaty finish. sea water
C: 84 points. Nice and warm. peat over powered. 溫暖許多, 但是泥煤有點過當.
Caol Ila 16yo 1991/2007 (55.9%, SMWS#53.120)
C: Yellow, oil.
N: Peaty, mint, nice grassy malt, Icy-Hot.
P: Minty, light body, short finish.
C: 84 points. 就是撒隆帕斯
Place: at home
Littlemill 17yo 1990/2007 (56%, SMWS#97.9)
C: Golden.
N: Beautiful rich nose, malty with orange note,lemon zest, much better than I expected. then turn rich malty nose, very refreshing.
P: Medium light body, surprising good palate, very honey. powerful ending.
D: get some minty and boggy note, heather?
C: 90 points. this is a very unusual Littlemill, probable the best one from this distillery. 完全超出我預期的酒, 該是我喝過最好的小磨坊吧!
Glen Scotia 15yo 1992/2008 (64.6%, SMWS#93.29)
C: Yellow-brown.
N: Tropical fruit, hint of peat, malty, burned fire, liqurice.
P: Medium body, powerful, long finish. ended sugar sweet with some orange. nice fruty palate.
C: 87 points. Straight taste better, dilute get too much mint and grass, somewhat Japanese like New wood?, robust and smoky ending. 有點難以形容的酒, 居然有些許煙燻灰燼的味道, 強烈感, 值得嚐試一下.
Springbank 15yo (46%, OB, new label, +/-2008)
C: light yellow, 上次豪邁品酒會遲到裝回來喝的酒.
N: Very grassy, sugar, animal, boring.
P: Light body, medium finish.
C: 78 points. quite light in style, not easy to tell SP house style. 本來就不抱期待, 結果還是一樣沒印象.
Springbank 12yo 1995/2008 (54.2%, SMWS#27.67)
C: Dark brown, quite red.
N: Sweet sherry note, prum, orange, mint, animal, grain.
P: Medium light body, enjoyable and rounded.
C: 87 points. straight taste better. 一支近來表現最中規中矩的年輕雪莉桶雲頂, 沒有怪味, 比近期OB表現好太多了, 雲頂的未來實在令人擔憂.
Dalmore 11yo 1996/2008 (62.6%, SMWS#13.40)
C: Golden.
N: Sulfer, earthy, quite Dalmore, burned rubber,dry fruity, cake, robust, chocolate.
P: Medium light body, short finish. sulfer note after taste.
C: 79 points. unbalanced, strong. 過於強烈而不平衡的一支酒, 還蠻Dalmore的.
Old Pulteney 1990/2006 (59%, G&M, first fill sherry butt, C#5469)
C: Brown. quite clear color, 大魔王給的sample嗎? thanks!
N: earthy, sulfer, chocolate.
P: Medium heavy body, medium finish, quite strong with lot'swoody influence.
C: 80 points. slightly better than Dalmore, 頗強悍的一支年輕重雪莉酒款.
Invergordon 1965 WIP (50.8%, Duncan Tayler, C#15518, drawn 21/05/08)
C: Golden, oil.
N: Very rich vanilla and fruity not, clear coconut, rice cake, 灑滿椰子粉的娘惹糕.
P: Medium light body, coconut again.
C: 78 points. Coconut, coconut, coconut, unfortunately, I don't like coconut. 第一次喝到這麼明顯的椰子粉, 雖然應該算是不錯的穀物威士忌, 但是不是我喜歡的風格.
Caperdonich 1968 WIP (56%, DT, C#2608, drawn 22/01/08)
C: Golden.
N: Orange, animal, mint, perfume,flower.
P: Light body, medium finish, dry, woody.
C: 76 points. a very weak old one, high strength doesn't help at all. 應該是標準的疲乏老木桶, 很失望.
Glen Keith 32yo 1971/2004 (56.4%, SMWS#81.11)
C: Brown, quite red.
N: Very nice deep sherry. rick cake, barn, a little bit animal, very sherry like, complex and deep.
P: very good old sherry malt, medium body, medium long finish, rounded and lingering chocolate note. charming.
C: 93 points. I just like it. 很棒的一支老雪莉桶, 應該是SMWS台灣進過最棒的一支酒.
Bunnahabhain 10yo 1997/2008 (57.1%, SMWS#10.61)
C: Brown.
N: Sherry influence, lot's chocolate, very thick nose, very malty.
P: Medium heavy body, medium finish, dark chocolate palate. eggy.
C: 84 points. not very Bunnahabhain, 相當不錯的重雪莉巧克力風味, 很難猜得出酒廠是哪一間.
Highland Park 8yo 1999/2008 (59.8%, SMWS#4.124)
C: Yellow.
N: Quite fruity note, mellon, light peat, pear, green tea, minty malt.
P: Medium light body, medium finish, robust, hot, more like Talisker, dilute get more heather.
C: 81 points. Nice Highland Park, but kind of too young. need more time. 其實是很不錯的一支酒, 但是應該多陳年個幾年.
Croftengea 15yo 1992/2008 (59.5%, SMWS#122.15)
C: Yellow.
N: Peaty, gun powder, mint, more like Caol Ila.
P: Light body, oil palate. strong, short finish.
C: 80 points. Peaty malt, easy and straight. 有點過於簡單的重泥煤酒款.
Caol Ila 11yo 1996/2007 (60.2%, SMWS#53.119)
C: Light yellow, clear.
N: Peaty, clear grain, iodine, very clean one.
P: Medium light body, short finish, sweet peaty note.
C: 89 points. fresh and caean, 這是一支相當乾淨而吸引人的酒, 泥煤恰到好處的突出.
Caol Ila 13yo 1993/2006 (61.3%, SMWS#53.104)
C: Light yellow.
N: Peaty, with grain malty note.
P: Medium body, peaty bitter, peaty finish. sea water
C: 84 points. Nice and warm. peat over powered. 溫暖許多, 但是泥煤有點過當.
Caol Ila 16yo 1991/2007 (55.9%, SMWS#53.120)
C: Yellow, oil.
N: Peaty, mint, nice grassy malt, Icy-Hot.
P: Minty, light body, short finish.
C: 84 points. 就是撒隆帕斯