

Date: Jan. 11, 2008
Place: at home.

Lagavulin 1984/2001 Double Matured (43%, OB)
C: Deep brown. sample from Power Magic, thanks!
N: Nice peat, tropical fruit, boggy, grass, prum, quite sweet, rich fruity nose, mellon.
P: Medium heavy body, meium long finish, quite peaty bitter.
C: 86 points. Nosing is much better than tasting. but still qutie nice. 還是不錯的Lagavulin, 聞香很棒的一支酒, 口感比較有泥煤苦味, 有點可惜.

Lagavulin 12yo Special Release #3 (57.8%, OB, 2003)
C: Straw. samplel from Hertford? thanks.
N: Peaty, smoky, grassy, sweet.
P: Medium light body, medium long finish. strong, young, quite hot in palate.
C: 88 points. a vry grassy one, not really like the other 12yo ones in my memory? 這支酒的草味還蠻重的, 不太像是我印象中的12yo Lagavulin.

Lagavulin 14yo 1993/2007 Feis Ila release(56.5%, OB, C#4893, 700 Bts.)
C: Yellow, light in color. sample from Brian? thanks.
N: quite malty. fresh, very minty. grassy, seems younger than 14yo? powerful.
P: medium body, mediumfinish, peat, nutty, powerful and very Lagavulin.
C: 90 points. Heather, grassy, boggy, peat, very nice. 再次讓你感受艾雷島王者的魅力! 

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