Date: Oct. 10, 2007

Dalmore 17yo 1986/2003 (60.1%, Mackillop's Choice, C#3091)
C: Light yellow, Limburg sample.
N: Very malty and powerful. rich, lot's alcohol influence. mint.
P: Light body, short finish. not very Dalmore.
C: 80 points. Dilute get more clear note but very lowland style. 很少喝到夠好的Mackillop's choice的酒.尤其又缺乏足夠的Dalmore特色.

Tobermory 12yo 1995/2007 (56.9%, The Whisky Exchange, C#482/828, 861 bts.)
C: Yellow.
N: Grassy, leaf, cookie, quite light and fresh.
P: Light body, short finish. salty, quite grassy again.
D: Dilute get more sugar feel. and more new spirit like.
C: 83 points. again,more lowland style.
這間酒廠從來沒有給我足夠的島嶼風味聯想, 這支酒也不例外.

Ledaig 33yo 1973/2006 (48%, The Whisky Fair, 281 bts.)
C: Golden.
N: Very peaty, animal, fermentation nose, 甘草.
P: Medium light body, medium finish, somewhat oxidation feel.
C: 80 points. quite good nose at the first impression feel, but not balanced.
多數人都知道Ledaig 就是Tobermory的泥煤版本, 不過就跟Longrow一樣, 多數喜歡重泥煤口味的人都不覺得這兩支酒能夠有太多值得興奮之處! 不是很平衡的感覺.

Ardmore 12yo 1994/2007 (46% The Whisky Exchange, C#78/598, 745 bts.)
C: Straw.
N: Very Grassy, malty, new spirit no peat at all.
P: sweet, light body, short finish, very new spirit like.
C: 76 points. quite common and light in style.
有點意外沒有泥煤, 沒了泥煤Ardmore也沒甚麼值得嘗試的吧!

Ardmore 20yo 1985 (54.1%, SMWS, C#66.20)
C: Golden yellow.
N: Light peat, citrus, malty, minty.
P: Light body, short finish, again, very grassy.
C: 79 points. somewhat disappointed again. 雖然有點泥煤, 還是有點令人失望的酒.

Bunnahabhain 27yo 1979/2007 (46%, The Whisky Exchange C#11488, 234 bts.)
C: Gold yellow.
N: Malty, sweet, peat, medium peated level, somewhat un-expected.
P: Grassy, light body, sweet, herbal sweet, 青草茶, sea.
C: 87 points. quite nice, though kind of strange. 有點詭異的一隻Bunnahabhain, 泥煤度比預期的高, 還有奇怪的青草茶味道, 但是頗值得推薦的一隻酒.

Bunnahabhain 27yo 1979/2007 (49.5%, The Whisky Exchange, C#11688, 222 Bts.)
C: Golden yellow, darker.
N: obust, very peaty, malty, fresh fruit.
P: Sweet, medium body, medium finish. very good and balanced.
C: 87 points. similar to the 46% version, but the 46% one seems more surprising. 差不多好的一隻酒, 但是46%可能讓人更有驚艷感些!

飲酒過量 有害健康

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