Date: Oct. 10, 2007
Glen Rothes 17yo 1985/2003 (50%, OMC, DL#544, 581 bts.)
C: Brown, 忘記是哪為酒友給的, 感謝.
N: Smoky, sherry, prum, very rich, hint of toffee.
P: Medium body, medium finish, quite balanced and good palate.
C: 87 points. performs much better than I thought. 這間酒廠在國內有相當的知名度, 過去一直沒有很感興趣, 主要是覺得酒廠特性太軟了些, 不過這支雪莉風格的表現相當不錯, 值得推薦.
Tullibardine 1973/2005 (50.2%, OB, C#2514, 300 bts.)
C: Golden. 忘記是哪為酒友給的, 感謝.
N: Very fruity, lot's citrus and honey, vanilla, flower.
P: Medium body, medium finish.
C: 86 points. A very good cask, much better than the ones I tasted before from this distillery. 相當不錯的一桶酒, Richard說他們家其實有不錯的酒,只是選酒有問題, 這間酒廠就建在高速公路旁, 蓋了複合式的Shopping Mall, 我前兩年有造訪, 但是僅僅再商店晃了一下沒進去酒廠參觀.
Millburn 35yo 1969/2005 (51.2%, Rare Malts)
C: Yellow golden. Sample from SuSC (還是要給SuSC的?) 感謝!
N: Grassy, citrus, minty, malty, old grain.
P: Somewhat weak, medium light body, short finish.
C: 80 points. Not bad, just weaker than I expected. 有點可惜了, 似乎其他幾支RM表現好些.
Tamnavulin 35yo 1966 (52.6%, OB, C#3807, 472 bts.)
C: Brown, sample from Mitch. 感謝.
N: Heavily sherried. rice cake. prum. toffee, honey, beautiful long and rich nose.
P: Black chocolate, very nice palate. medium body, medium long finish. Master piece.
C: 92 points. A very uinque and good old malt. 無預期的好喝, 相當繚繞而富麗堂皇的香氣.
Springbank 1972/1992 20yo (56.5%, Cadenhead)
C: Gold, yellow, Limburg sample.
N: animal, barn, malty, grassy, light and elegant.
P: light body. weak, short finish.
C: 85 points. A good malt to enjoy by yourself, but no touching. 期望值過高, 但是還是好喝.
飲酒過量 有害健康
- Feb 08 Fri 2008 08:16
趕進度之國慶日 (三)