Date: Dec. 3rd. 2007
Place: Kingfisher辦公室會議室
話說有某兩位無聊人士上班在MSN, 然後突然覺得很久沒小聚了, 就隨意發了e-mail給隨意的幾個人, 並且隨意的問說Kingfisher能否提供場地, 想想也很久沒再我們這個社團草創之地聚會了, 也就很隨意的訂了週一晚上的時間, 結果大家不知道是太悶了還是太閒了, 結果居然隨意的跑出十幾個人來, 真是有點大的小聚會! 不過這種隨意的聚會喝起酒來還真的很high呢!
Glenlochy 24yo 1980/2005 (58.1%, Signatory, C#2819, 235 bts.)
82分, 從exchange郵購進來的酒, 感覺有點尋常而輕淡! 不過今天喝起來感覺比前一次好.
Glenlochy 26yo 1980/2006 (53.2%, Duncan Tayler Rarest of the Rare, C#2452, 294 bts.)
C: Golden.
N: orange, citrus, rich maltiness and much more grain and cookie.
P: medium body, matured, rounded. finished dry.
C: 84 points. dilute tasted better. 常瑞有進這支酒, 但是之前都沒喝到, 也從沒想過要去買, 感覺比前一支要好, 酒體較濃郁層次感也更豐富.
Glenfiddich 1998/2005 WIP sample (57.3%, OB, ex bourbon cask, vatting 047)
C: light yellow
N: vanilla, flower, very fresh, with beautiful malty nose
P: light warm, rounded.
C: 86 points. un-expecte good. 相當令人訝異的好品質.
Glenfiddich 15yo Solera Sheery vat WIP (61.2%, OB, 2005)
C: Brown.
N: heavily sherryied, prum, soybean oil. very rich.
P: heavy, candy, lot's sherry.
C: 80 points. rounded and sweet, 有點太膩的感覺
Millburn 25yo 1975/2001 (61.9%, Rare Malts, b#6251)
C: Golden
N: Very woody. 有點生木桶的感覺
P:heavy body, salty, matured, quite drinkable.
C: 88 points, 相當厚實的一支酒, 還很好喝.
Glendronach 1970/1990 (56%, OB, Sherry cask, C#513~518, 3,800bts)
C: Brown orange.
N: prum, light peated, orange, elegant. heather.
P: quite nice, matured, dr, long finish.
C: 90 points. 喝的時候是盲飲, 還真的喝不太出來, Man in the mirror還真會挑酒.
Ben Riach 21yo 1984/2006 (55%, OB, C#1438, 658 bts. Oloroso sherry butt, peated.)
C: Brown.
N: heavily peated, lot's orange.
P: balanced.
C: 80 points.
Glen Garioch 18yo 1978 (59.4%, OB, C#4768, 10601~605, 10951~954)
C: Brown orange.
N: highland pet, nutty,
P: bitter, dry, finished well, yet good.
C: 88 points 罕見酒款, 感謝Lazy兄割愛分享, 獨特的Geln Garioch酒廠特色.
Ledaig 1972/1988 (43%, Full Proof Holland, 228 bts.)
C: Gold.
N: grassy, lith peat,
P: grain, light body.
C: 80 points. very ledaig, too woody, 據說是人家送B大的酒, 讓我一直在想說B大到底買了多少酒, 我怎麼買酒從來沒人送我酒呢?
Port Ellen 1982/2007 (56.8%, Parkers Whisky, Pert mEllen, 220 bts. )
85 points. 匆忙喝下最後一支, 好甜好有瓜果味的一支Port Ellen. David也是很會找罕見怪酒的人.
Place: Kingfisher辦公室會議室
話說有某兩位無聊人士上班在MSN, 然後突然覺得很久沒小聚了, 就隨意發了e-mail給隨意的幾個人, 並且隨意的問說Kingfisher能否提供場地, 想想也很久沒再我們這個社團草創之地聚會了, 也就很隨意的訂了週一晚上的時間, 結果大家不知道是太悶了還是太閒了, 結果居然隨意的跑出十幾個人來, 真是有點大的小聚會! 不過這種隨意的聚會喝起酒來還真的很high呢!
Glenlochy 24yo 1980/2005 (58.1%, Signatory, C#2819, 235 bts.)
82分, 從exchange郵購進來的酒, 感覺有點尋常而輕淡! 不過今天喝起來感覺比前一次好.
Glenlochy 26yo 1980/2006 (53.2%, Duncan Tayler Rarest of the Rare, C#2452, 294 bts.)
C: Golden.
N: orange, citrus, rich maltiness and much more grain and cookie.
P: medium body, matured, rounded. finished dry.
C: 84 points. dilute tasted better. 常瑞有進這支酒, 但是之前都沒喝到, 也從沒想過要去買, 感覺比前一支要好, 酒體較濃郁層次感也更豐富.
Glenfiddich 1998/2005 WIP sample (57.3%, OB, ex bourbon cask, vatting 047)
C: light yellow
N: vanilla, flower, very fresh, with beautiful malty nose
P: light warm, rounded.
C: 86 points. un-expecte good. 相當令人訝異的好品質.
Glenfiddich 15yo Solera Sheery vat WIP (61.2%, OB, 2005)
C: Brown.
N: heavily sherryied, prum, soybean oil. very rich.
P: heavy, candy, lot's sherry.
C: 80 points. rounded and sweet, 有點太膩的感覺
Millburn 25yo 1975/2001 (61.9%, Rare Malts, b#6251)
C: Golden
N: Very woody. 有點生木桶的感覺
P:heavy body, salty, matured, quite drinkable.
C: 88 points, 相當厚實的一支酒, 還很好喝.
Glendronach 1970/1990 (56%, OB, Sherry cask, C#513~518, 3,800bts)
C: Brown orange.
N: prum, light peated, orange, elegant. heather.
P: quite nice, matured, dr, long finish.
C: 90 points. 喝的時候是盲飲, 還真的喝不太出來, Man in the mirror還真會挑酒.
Ben Riach 21yo 1984/2006 (55%, OB, C#1438, 658 bts. Oloroso sherry butt, peated.)
C: Brown.
N: heavily peated, lot's orange.
P: balanced.
C: 80 points.
Glen Garioch 18yo 1978 (59.4%, OB, C#4768, 10601~605, 10951~954)
C: Brown orange.
N: highland pet, nutty,
P: bitter, dry, finished well, yet good.
C: 88 points 罕見酒款, 感謝Lazy兄割愛分享, 獨特的Geln Garioch酒廠特色.
Ledaig 1972/1988 (43%, Full Proof Holland, 228 bts.)
C: Gold.
N: grassy, lith peat,
P: grain, light body.
C: 80 points. very ledaig, too woody, 據說是人家送B大的酒, 讓我一直在想說B大到底買了多少酒, 我怎麼買酒從來沒人送我酒呢?
Port Ellen 1982/2007 (56.8%, Parkers Whisky, Pert mEllen, 220 bts. )
85 points. 匆忙喝下最後一支, 好甜好有瓜果味的一支Port Ellen. David也是很會找罕見怪酒的人.