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天氣太熱了, 到Bali喝啤酒去!

kingfishertw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

感謝固定有看的人, 這裡的內容是艱深的一點, 也不是很用心更新, 所以如果進入的時候剛好跑出瀏覽次數在剛好三萬的人, 麻煩將畫面抓下來傳給我, 有神秘小禮物送給你喔!
以後不用多說, 剛好碰到萬的時候抓到的人一樣有小禮物的!

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想了一下,我的極樂13 應該是這樣吧!

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前些時候有幸在一個餐酒會前會上認識著名詩人同時也是聯合文學的主編許悔之先生, 當時介紹人稱呼我是品酒專家, 我拿出我的社團名片給他, 然後順口說:「不敢當, 這只是興趣, 我另有正職! 悔之兄很風趣的說:「我了解我了解, 就好像我說我是詩人但是詩人不能當飯吃一樣! 


! 仔細想想, 自己是否已經有點沾沾自喜的以品酒家自居了呢? 這是有點耐人尋味的問題, 這兩年來幫許多不同的地方做了些工作, 開始被稱呼老師、大師、達人其實自己本質上的還是喜歡稱呼自己是玩家, 近來堆了好多好多的樣品喝不完, 接了好多好多的業餘工作做不完, 不過開始嘗試將自己的步調放慢, 重新去找尋輕鬆喝酒的樂趣, 也在工作的苦惱中尋得知識增長的快感, 重新找尋到自己以知識分子自居的驕傲!(不只是銅臭味的生意人) 


有些人知道我接了份大工作, 導致閒暇的時間都沒辦法做網站的更新, 不過還請朋友們耐心等候, 這份工作的完成對大家知識的增長會大有幫助, 希望年底能完成!

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昨天看到有立委質詢說目前市面的米產地標示不清楚, 裡面有可能會有外國的米參雜進去, 不是很清楚真實的情況如何,但是真的有點感觸!

可能跟從事畜產業有關, 也可能是家裏鄉下也還有稻田, 我總是對國產的農產品有些期待的, 在這種情況下, 我特別討厭那些菜蟲,米蟲, 每次聽到產地價格崩盤的時候就很生氣爲什麼末端價錢都沒有降, 每次聽到這種魚目混珠的做法就覺得這是天理難容的事情!

記得台灣剛開放稻米進口的時候曾在某間餐廳吃到用泰國米炒的廣州炒飯, 我跟服務生反應說他不應該用泰國米, 吃起來像是在美國吃中國菜一樣, 服務生還跟我說那是因為炒飯要炒的一粒一粒的才會好吃, 所以特別挑泰國米, 當場有點無言以對, 所以是技術不夠的關係了喔! 後來就沒再去吃那間了, 沒多久那間也關門了!

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你知道是誰設計的嗎? Charles Chree Doig.
原始設計的Pagoda 仍在運作的就是圖中的Laphroaig.

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發現蘇格蘭著名詩人Robert Burns 最有名的傳世詩作是:Auld Lang Syne. 這首胳被Caledon拿來當作東京酒展的閉幕演唱. 當時聽了一會兒, 才恍然大悟原來如此...不過當初譜曲的人應該只是為了這首偉大的詩作, 應該沒有人想到這首旋律被轉成那麼多國語言翻唱吧! 已經把這首放成留言版的背景音樂, 想聽的人可以過去聽聽看, 別告訴我你認不出來喔!

暫時只找到原詩如下, 好像跟歌詞不完全一樣, 有空再補充.

Auld Lang Syne

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Caperdonich 35yo 1968 Mission II (46%, Murray McDavid, 600b.)


Light Yellow, slow legs, thick.  Vanilla, citrus, very fruity.  A little bit woody.  Typical speyside.  Rich, some hint of flower as well.  Malt sweet at the end.  Apparently it was much better when I tasted it from cask last year in Bruichladdich.(not the same cask but should from similar batch.)  But even dilute to 46%, this one still shows strong body and palate.  Finished extremely long.   Adding water get more flower.  Can’t believe a 35yo malt being so strong.  Score: 90.


kingfishertw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Some very nice sample from frineds.

Lochside 23yo 1981/2004 (55.1%, Cadenhead's, 204b. Sherry Hogshead)
Color: Dark Brown.  Nose, sweet sherry, creaming.  A little bit prum at the background. Quite sweet.  Strong body.  Finished long.  smokeness at the end.  Very smoky finish.  Score: 88.  Quite nice experience.  I think Lockside worth some more attention.  Too bad it's alredy tear down.

kingfishertw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Quite a waste for me! I really don't know why it's so expensive! But it's quite nice to have some Bruichladdich 20yo OB 2nd Edition after it.

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  • Jan 30 Sun 2005 08:51

Longrow 14yo (46%, OB, bottled in 2004)

根據可靠消息, 這批進來應該是裸瓶, 木盒在台灣做的. 所以才會有木盒上印1993的烏龍,  這支整體來說nose finish都蠻棒的, 喝起來比較弱一點.  跟大家的期待稍有落差.  Color: Yellow Brown. Nose: Peaty. Malty. Flowerish. A little bit citrus.  Very enjoyable. Palate: Nutty.  Salty.  Mellowish.  Medium body.  Smooth.  Finishe: very well and long.  Score: 84. (Rubinstein 86, Gerry: 83, Brian:83, Ben: 72, David: 82, Lazy Huang: 82, HCN: 75, Man in the mirror: 83)


Caol Ila 12yo 1990 Apr./2003 Nov. (57.7%, Blackadder Raw Cask, Cask#4161, 322b.)

kingfishertw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I bought this bottle in a very small shops in the country side at around USD 120.- last year.  1992 said to be the second best year of Napa in the 1990s.  Great Taste indeed, strong body. Lot's of flavor, and seems in the right time to drink but also can mature for a couple of years.  Unfortunatly, I only got this one.

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Domaine de la Vieille Julienne,Châteauneuf-du-Pape,2001

Tough stil cough sometimes, seems revorering from the seruous flu.  Stopped the award tasting since Tue.  Ready for some wine!  Just got this bottle two days ago.  Still need some time in the cellar, but already very nice.  I guess I'll try the old vine version recently.

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For such old cognac, I can't give any comments or scores. They speak for themselves. I am too lucky to taste them.

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Got a free miniture when I bought A Cooper' Choice Clynelish 1980. Delamain is one of my favorate Cognac.  But I think the standard version is better.(and much cheaper.)

kingfishertw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Gave as a gift when I bought the Bowmore 1964 Fino Cask. Pretty good, need some time to develop. Even taste better at the second day.

kingfishertw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bought this bottle at an old friend's shop at USD 45.- Great Wine.

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Watching Olimpic baseball, Taiwan to Japan! Great game at first!

I opened Olivier's wine! Domain Zind-Humbrecht, Gewurztraminer, Herrenweg de Turckheim, 2001, Alsace, France

As the wine getting better, we loss the game! Shit! sorry!

We have good players, but lousy coach!

Though we may not be good enough to win a medal! But it could be a good game!

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My favorit sake! Sorry can't find the English name.  Will put English name here once I find it. 


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Yes, I also drink wine!

Chateau La Croix du Casse, 1989, Pomerol, France

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