Date: July 15, 2007
Place: at home


Balvenie 14yo Roasted Malt (471%, OB, 34 Casks, warehouse 2)
80 points. Second time taste, golden color, lot's vanilla, malty, sweet, honey, quite easy and taster younger than it's age, dilute get more flower nose, taste better than what's in my memory.  這是使用較深烘製麥芽的作品, 不意外的有較多而甜的麥芽味, 談不上太特殊. 以近幾年的實驗作品來說並不算是特別吸引人.

Balvenie 17yo New Oak (43%, OB, first bottling)
82 points
. Lot's vanilla ad malty feel. Lot's oak and woody nose, light honey, matured. finished short, seems not as good as the old NewWood version. quite easy to drink. dilute taste better. 這是以後會常態出的酒, 比起NewWood多用了一些雪莉桶陳年的酒, 然後一塊到全新橡木過桶.

Balvenie 17yo NewWood (40%, OB)
86 points.
Slightly light in color with more vanila and more maured, more cookie and grain as well. Mild smooth, much better palate and finish.   3 points higher than last time. 波本桶換到全新橡木桶的實驗作品

Balvenie 33yo 1972/2006 Vintage Cask (47.%, OB, C#14811, 150 bts.)
C: Golden.
N: Old malt feel. very fruity, wothl lot's flower, quite complex and unique, lemon grass.
P: Maybe because the whisky has opened for a long time, it seems not as powerful as what in my memory.  
C: 91 points. A very nice old Balvenie, 喝得蠻多也蠻快的, 看看快沒了趕快寫紀錄.

Balvenie 1994/2007 (57.9%, OB, C#1137/1994, Warehouse 24, hand draw by Ho-cheng, sherry butt)
C: Brown red.
N: chocolate, smoky, lot's of malty nose, with hint of grass and honey. a little bit too heavy in style.
P: Stong, robust, layered, heavy body, chocolate butte, very nice and long finish.
C: 88 points. A little bit too much wood influence, where is Balvenie? 除非你打算開Cask 191, 否則這是你唯一品嚐雪莉桶Balvenie的機會, 只有參加Balvenie酒廠之旅的人才有機會自己裝一瓶回來.  當然, 小道消息是Balvenie接下來會有SherryWood的特別版問世! 請大家期待.
Kingfisher推薦度: (前提是你有去酒廠)

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