Date: Apr. 21, 2007, in Limburg Whisky Fair

Linkwood 25yo (40%, Sestante Importe, around 80s)
83 points. Old bottle. a little bit gone. Sherry cask for sure. Lot's of grain/malty influence. some furty feel. Not too impressive.  本來以為會很棒的酒, 不過只是還好的Speyside. (發現忘了加這支進去!在Mara喝的酒.)

Date: May 15, 2007

Linkwood 15yo (43%, G&M Licensed bottled. +/-2006)
C: Golden, watering, MM Award 2006 sample.
N: Caramel, sweet, malty, citrus, quite simple.
P: sweet, simple, not too much to say. medium finish.
C: 75 points. A very simple dram. Some nutty finish. not too impressive.  Linkwood的G&M 裝瓶一向被認為是等同原廠裝瓶, 很早期就試過這支酒了, 不過幾個酒友的共同感覺都很普通, 這次再是還是一樣, G&M的水準還真是一致啊!

Linkwood 32yo 1973/2006 (51.1%, Signatory, C#14074, 230Bts.)
C: bright gold. oil fine legs. Limburg sample.
N: Citrus, lime, fresh, hint of malt. powerful. Lot's flower, whit flower feel.
P: Fresh, light body, finished long. Very nice and just the kind I like a lot. 有點像橘子汽水的口感.
C: 90 points. I just like Linkwood.  喜歡Linkwood的理由正是在不經意間讓你喜歡上她, 不是那種很厚實而有層次的感覺, 但是在清新中散發出誘人的風味! 想了想, 似乎少女的體香是很好的形容! Kingfisher越來越像怪老頭了...

要帶sample回來也不是那麼輕鬆的, 不過辛苦是有代價的!

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    Single Malt Lover!

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