Mosstowie 15yo (40%, G&M for Sestante, mid 1980s)
C: Gold brown.
N: Malty but more rough and wild. Some hint of field/farm feel. Citrus, prum, malty sweet.
P: Light body, watering, a little bit caramel. finished sticky, some fruity palate. Dilute not help.
C: 78 points, an average malt, nothing special.  如同預期的似乎相當平均而沒什麼變化, 這似乎就是Mosstowie的特色.果然只是為了調和設計出的酒

Braes of Glenlivet 15yo 1989 (60.8%, Blackadder, C#1001)
C: Yellow gold. watering
N: strong nosing. lot's of citrus, fresh prum, malty grain.
P: Very nice palate. mid-palate posistion. Sweet finish. finished well. 
C: 83 points. Second time tasting. I only gave it 73 last time. poor nosing yet very good taste.  這支sample是好酒以前Richard給我的, 忘記後來有沒有進來台灣. 這次找出來跟後面Michel 跟我換的Cadendhead sample做比較. 這次給的分數高很多, 猜測是因為口感佳的關係, 聞香還是過於簡單而酒精味過重, 口感變佳是因為瓶中熟成的關係嗎? 正在考慮是否要更改moniter的分數!

Braes of Glenlivet 12yo 1989/2001 (62.1%, Cadenhead 294 Bts.)
C: light gold. clear.
N: Citrus and orange, very fresh and fruity, hint of malt. sweet. Spring time fell.
P: light body. powerful. very sweet. finished long. simple but very drinkable. fresh.
C: 87 points. This is a very fresh and drinkable malt. Fruity sweet palate.  相當柑橘味的酒, 清新易飲, 標準的Speyside風格!

Balmenach-Glenlivet 10yo 1981/1992 (63.6%, Cadenhead's 150th Anniversary)
C: Golden, light.
N: Fruity, citrus, lot's of malty grain. light and straight.
P: Light body, medium finish, lot's of leaves and grass. finished very elegant.
C: 90 points. sample from Michel. I like the finish a lot. reminds you some of the best Burgundy white wine. (for the palate and finish)  這是一支相當棒的酒, 充分展顯老酒廠的細緻與能耐, Cadenhead 1992年裝瓶的150週年紀念系列目前相當的貴, 主要是因為大家對於這些酒質的評價非常的高, 有跑日本的人不妨留意一下, 當初似乎進去了不少, 目前似乎只有義大利與日本會再流出一些到市場上來!

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    Single Malt Lover!

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