Date: Dec. 23, 2006
Highland Park 38yo 1966/2005 (42.4%, Whisky Fair, C#4641, 168 Bts. Bourbon Hoghead)
C: Yellow brownish.
N: Vanilla, apple, pear, very fruity, mild and sweet, a little bit weak, woody. light peat.
P: Light body, thin, finished short, dry. Very dry! Typical old HP, a little bit lack of power, over the peak.
C: 83 points. A nice old HP, yet lack of power. Not tha timpressive. 年華逝去! 無力感...
Springbank 37yo 1968/2005 (47.5%, Whisky Fair, C#488, 216 Bts. Bourbon Hogshead)
C: Yellow brownish.
N: Tropical fruit, malty, a little bit citrus, some peaty feel. decomposed apple.
P: Medium body, dry, salty. finish well, medium. still get some power.
C: 87 points. A very nice one, ntot that Springbank yet still very enjoyable.
Glen Grant 33yo 1969 (46%, Murray McDavid, 600 Bts. Mission 2)
C: Brown.
N: Vanilla, tropical fruit, refill sherry cask? Very nice and deep, fruity feel. Very enjoyable. Complex, probably the best Old but not so sherried Glen Grant. Show the true house style.
P: Medium body, finished well. Nice.
C: 91 points. A very nice one. Make you drink a lot. A very enjoyable dram. MJ認為這間酒廠的酒就是該乾乾淨淨的喝, 很多老年份的重雪莉把它的美麗特色掩蓋了, 我直到喝了這支酒才體會到他的想法!