After yesterday's happy Bowmore advanture, I fiinally made up my mind to buy the famous Bowmore Fino cask 1964. I have been told by my fellow Maniacette Martine that this is the best Bowmore she has ever tasted. Currently it is not for sell anywhere. I found the #13 bottle left alone at the store. Price is not cheap, almost 1200 Euro, about the market price.
Waiting for the package, I spot a strange bottle in the shop. The Arran 1982?, How come? I remember Arran was opened in 1995. I think there is something wrong with the bottle. I called Stephen and Brian immediately, they all later confrimed my findings. I sent out e-mail to Maniacs and decide to buy a bottle to take pictures. Withe Johannes help, we soon get Arran's repond and confirmed it's a fake. I told my friend Jason, who worked in the shop, to check it out. They are now tracing the source. I'll post the up-date once I got more inofrmation.