
Genrerally speaking, Whisky goes very well with any kind of Chinese Food.  I think that's also the reason why single malt is so popular in Taiwan.  However, I actually changed my belief tonight. It was just a normal family dine-out .  I broght my 200ml-bottle Bruichladdich 10yo (46%, OB) with me.  This winner, quite strange, doesn't go with food at all.  Why?  It never happened before, normally speaking, any malt can go with Chinese food. Why such a good malt can't? I remember this one goes with western food very well, when I was in Bruichaddich. Maybe an elegent malt need lighter sauce?  Malt and food seems not as easy as I thought.  We now have Martine Neout join the Maniacs, I think I can learn much more from her.

    創作者 kingfishertw 的頭像

    Single Malt Lover!

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