Date: Aug. 23, 2008
Place: SMWS Taipei Member Room
那天大家帶了一堆插花酒, 搞不清楚為什麼插花酒一直插隊, 只記得都很好喝.
Glen Garioch 17yo 1990 (53.5%, OB, Bordzux wine cask finish, 1,800 bts.)
80 points. 搞不清楚為什麼這支先喝, 沒有太多的葡萄酒過桶感覺, 木桶味倒是很重. 沒甚麼泥煤.
Laphroaig 10yo Cask Strength (57.3%, OB, Red strip)
90 points. more malty, more robust, almost the same with the green strip version.
Laphroaig 10yo Cask Strength (57.3%, OB, Green strip)
91 points. more tropical fruit, boggy, minty, slightly better. 早期的綠標表現比紅標多一點豐郁果香, 但是差異不大, 放置一段時間後感覺就一樣了.
Laphroaig 16yo 1991/2007 (57%, SMWS, C#29.62)
C: Light yellow.
N: Very minty, very peaty, still very prune. more like Caol Ila.
P: Light body, strong. good drinking one.
C: 87 points. good but not as good as the OB CS. 雖然很不錯但是感覺不像Laphroaig, 也比經典的10yo CS差些.
Laphroaig NAS Cairdeas (55%, OB)
88 points. Malty sweet, balanced with peat, simple, some animal note. warm finish. 簡單而甜的一支酒,
Lagavulin 12yo 1995/2008 (48%, OB, European Oak, for Friends of Classic Malt)
C: Brown.
N: Very Lagavulin, peaty, sweet, not very sherry.
P: more sherry palate, creaming, dry finish.
C: 88 points, more liek the 16yo version. not very double matured. 應該是B大帶來的插花酒, 大家眼睛都很尖, 臉皮厚的幾乎都有喝到. 當然期待高落差也比較大, 本來以為該是上90分的酒.
Laphroaig 17yo 1989/2007 (50.3%, OB, 4,000 bts. Feis Ila 2007)
85 points. Too much iodine and too peaty, some bitter note in palate. 後來品飲加了一分, 但是整體來說給的分數再MM中還是偏低, 也許是聊天聊得太愉快了吧!
Tamnavulin 35yo 1966 (52.6%, OB, C#3807, 472 bts.)
C: Brown.
N: Heavily sherried, berry, lot's flower, very sweet.
P: Very sweet in palate as well. also lot's sherry note. very malty.
C: 86 points. a malt with all the best sherry cask note, but lack of house style. If not drinking with these peaty malt together, I think I'll rate it higher. 感謝James提供的酒, 雖然有些不夠有個性, 但是確實是好的老雪莉沒錯.
Laphroaig 16yo 1990/2006 (53%, Cadenhead's, sherry hogshead. 156 bts.)
C: Golden brown.
N: Old malt note, very peaty, sea, marine character.
P: Medium shery influence. very long finish.
C: 92 points. a very nice sherry Islay. 如同預期的, Cadenhead裝瓶的雪莉桶艾雷真的很棒. 好想再喝一次.
Laphroaig 25yo (40%, OB)
78 points. 還是很差!