Laphroaig 10yo (90proof, OB, US version)
80 points. just quite normal Laphroaig 10 yo, not really feel the difference. 這支酒是Olivier喝不完賞給我的酒, 沒看到瓶子, 只是聽他嘖嘖稱奇的說沒看過這個版本, 老實說還真的沒聽說過.
Laphroaig NAS Tripple Wood (48%, OB, DFS)
89 points. rich, smooth, with clear sherry influence but not much. quite Laphroaig. 應該第二天有去豪邁攤位的社員都有喝到吧! 簡單來說這支酒就是Quarter Cask之後再進雪莉桶的版本, 以近年來的core range來說, 是少數可以感受到雪莉風味的Laphroaig, 價格也不便宜, 這支酒是免稅店專賣版本, 一公升瓶裝要55歐元.
Springbank 1968/1988 20 Anniversario (50%, Duthie for Samaroli, 540 Bts. Sherry Wood)
91 points. Very nice old bottle. 由於可愛的老闆娘裝樣品裝得太滿, 趕緊倒了些出來喝了一口, 老雲頂真是沒話說的好!
Lochside 17yo 199/2008 Eso Child (46%, The Nectors)
86 points. a nice fresh Lochside, easy and refreshing. 輕鬆而且清新的小品, 與老年份的Lochside蠻不相同的.
Hanyu 1986/2008 Ace of Diamonds (56.4%, Ichiro, C#9023, 527 Bts. Cream of Sherry Butt)
89 points. Very nice sherry Hanyu, quite Japanese style. 這支在exchange很快賣光的酒在會場受到很大的歡迎, 與Ichiro聊天的時候順便喝這支酒, 還蠻有感覺的.
Linkwood-Glenlivet 14yo 1979/1993 (58.5%, Cadenheads)
90 points. old malty note, some peaty feel, strong body. not easy to guess. 不錯的結尾, 有些泥煤感, 重酒體, 當做結尾的酒感覺很舒服.這支也是Michael Wigman特別推薦的酒.