
Date: Sep. 20, 2008
Place: SMWS Taipei member room

Karuizawa 12yo (40%, OB, +/-2007)
C: Golden.
N: very fruity, citrus, orange, light peat, a little bit smoky. light malt, not very Japanese like.
P: Medium light body, medium finish, a little caramel feel.
C: 79 points. Quite rich fruity nose, with some clear smoky feel. 算是標準而不錯的香氣組成, 讓人詫異的是還蠻明顯的煙燻泥煤. 可惜的是不怎麼讓人有獨特感.

Karuizawa 12yo (40%, OB, squire bottle, <2000)
C: Brown.
N: Light smoke, grain and malt, rich tropical fruit, mine, citrus.
P: Very sweet, weak in body, short finish.
C: 74 points. weak in style. 感謝David大哥插花,與目前的版本差異還頗大的舊版, 原來台灣有進口過這支酒. 整體來說香氣雖然還不錯, 但是酒體風格過弱,焦糖感更深, 只能說及格

Karuizawa 17yo (40%, OB, squire bottle)
C: Brown red.
N: Melon, fruity, wine, Japanese whisky, woody, light smoky.
P: More Japanese, woody, medium light body, finished dry.
C: 84 points. Very nice and balance with quite Japanese style. 與之前年輕款不同, 這支17年的酒就相當有水準, 除了有漂亮的瓜果香氣之外, 整體表現很平衡而且出現較標準的日本威士忌風格

Karuizawa 1992/2007 (62.8%, OB for The Number One Drinks, C#6978)
C: Brown golden.
N: Oak, woody, flower, fruity, very charming nose. mint, grassy and citrus.Dilute will get much better flower nose and light peat.
P: Robust, tannin, powerful, young, last long. medium light body, medium finish, still quite clear Japanese whisky feel.
C: 89 points. A charming Japanese malt. 應該是波本桶,相當棒的花果香氣,  清新中帶出相當多的新桶刺激感, 是今天品飲的酒當中最喜歡的一支.

Karuizawa 1992/2007 (61.5%, The Number One Drinks, C#3330, 430 bts. American White Oak Sherry Butt)
C: Brown red.
N: Very thick in nosing, creaming, light prum, still very woody, honey.
P: Light to medium body, short finish. a little bit sulfer
C: 85 points. Still quite clear sherry influence with some honey note. 還蠻清楚的雪莉風格, 帶些蜂蜜味,與奶油香氣, 算是恰到好處的雪莉桶.

Karuizawa 13yo 1995/2008 (63%, OB for the Number One Drinks, C#5021, Ch. Mercian Barrel Reserve)
C: Red.
N: strong tropical flower, prum, sweet wine. smoky.
P: Tannin, sulfer, strange shitting nose, palate killing.
C: 74 points. quite OK nose, but very killing taste. 聞香還不錯, 入口有股奇怪的味道, 越喝越覺得有糞味. 標回來送去荼毒一下MM.

Karuizawa 1988/2007 (59.8%, OB for the Number One Drinks, C#3397)
C: Brown
N: Malty, light Japanese wood, vanilla, bourbon cask?
P: Matured, tannin. medium body, long finish, very Japanese style.
C: 83 points. somewhat not unique, but with more link to OB 17yo.  這支酒是波本桶嗎? 讓我有比較多17yo OB那支的聯想, 還蠻日本風味的.

Karuizawa 1981/2007 (58.1%, OB for the Number One Drinks, C#103)
C: Brown red.
N: Sherry, prum, orange, Japanese.
P: Nice palate. enjoyable.
C: 85 points. Nice and matured. 聽說是MM金牌, 完全沒印象, 查了一下去年競賽中盲飲我給88, 這次低了一些, 不過也還在同個range, 不過比起其他MM我的給分算是稍低, 只是這支酒大
家給分都很平均, 最後還是有上去.

Karuizawa 1971/2008 (64.1%, OB for the Number One drinks, C#6878)
C: Brown red.
N: Very sweet, fruity, wine, malty, roasted smoke. light peat.
P: Matured and rounded. tannin, heavy body. long finish, a good one.
C: 87 points. Nice old malt. 相當超值得好酒, 以這個年份來說是相當划算的選擇.

沒有很認真喝插花酒,到的比較晚,後來也來不及回頭喝富士山麓, 有點對不起小高的熱情!

Bruichladdich X4,  (WIP sample, drawn in Aug. 2008, bloodtooth cask)
87 points
. unusual rich vanilla and coconut nose, powerful, strange, but actually taste good. 感謝Eric帶回來分享. 已一年多的酒來說香氣真的非常的不正常, 一方面可以猜測
是這個小桶可能有燒烤的很深, 另一方面可能是X4的高酒精度讓他吃桶吃得很快.

Caol Ila 10yo 1996/2007 (59.6%, SMWS, C#53.106, liquid dynamic)
C: light yellow.
N: Peaty, iodine.sea. fruity.
P: poweful, light body, strong. peaty, finished well.
C: 88 points. very nice light Caol Ila. SMWS居然有十支開瓶的Caol Ila, 真是瘋了.

Ardmore NAS Tradtional Cask (46%, OB, Peated)
C: Deep gold.
N: Peated, roasted maltgrain, Chinese medicine, raw grain, lgith citrus.
P: Peaty bitter, robust, gun powder, lot's grain.malty sweet.
C: 80 points. peat need fruity nose to support. 缺了果香的支持, 整體感覺就是撐不起來, 還是猛禽那支Ardmore好多了.

感謝各位插花的酒友貢獻, 也感謝世昌兄的認真安排, 很不錯的一次品飲.

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