Date: Jan. 9th, 2008
Place: at home.

Mortlach 11yo 1988/2000 (43%, Signatory, C#2648, Sherry cask, 35cl bottle)
C: Yellow, sample from Power Magic, thanks.
N: Clear sherry note, creaming and nutty. clear prum, not as what color suggest. deep andrich, powerful. just like the best Mortlach I know.
P: Medium bodymedium finish, rich, fruity with clear malty sugar, quite nice.
C: 87 points. A very nice Motlach, drinkable, rich and big. Mortlach 一直是我很喜歡的一間酒廠, 但是好的Mortlach並不常見, 看顏色的時候並沒有預期這麼好, 還真是出乎人意料之外呢!

Berinnes 21yo 1977/1998 (43%, Signatory, C#3579, 645 bts. Sherry cask)
C: Brown, sample from 小謝, thanks!
N: Sulfer, gun powder, malty, kind of weak, boring.
P: Medium body, medium finish, weak, quite sweet. 
C: 78 points. Quite normal and weak. Berrines出色的酒並不多, 雖然一樣有著類似的2又1/2蒸餾方式, 但是特色與Mortlach差太多了. 可惜!

Macallan 25yo (43%, OB, Old bottle, +/-2001)
C: Brown. quite clear, sample from B大. 有點小故事的酒.
N: Quite clear Macallan house style. Malty sweet, very fruity, with hint of chocolate, toffee sweet note, citrus.
P: Medium light body, medium finish, seems younger than 25yo? very sweet palate and dry finish.
C: 80 points. Must be a Macallan but more like 12yo? B大友人千里迢迢從義大利扛回來的, 裸瓶, B大一看就大喊不妙, 狠心開來喝, 果然有喝到的都覺得有點問題, 我覺得應該是舊瓶裝新酒吧? 

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