 Date: Oct. 10, 2007
Place: at home.

Bravel 9yo (46%, DL Premier Barrel, Sherry Cask)
C: Golden brown, Limburg sample.
N: Orange malty, animal, quite rich.
P: Light body, dry finish.
C: 80 points. Very nice nose, quite some drop in palate, very grassy. 也許是陶瓶的關係, 口感上面感覺很弱, 這間酒廠原本叫做 Braes of Glenlivet, 這兩年比較常看到使用Bravel為名出現, 還不是很理解他的風格, 聽說跟Glenlivet比較像.

Balmenach-Glenlivet 24yo 1961/1986 (46%, Cadenhead dumpy bottle)
C: light yellow, Limburg sample.
N: Quick thick fruity note. orange, animal, old grain, very light peat, unbelivable good nose.
P: Medium body, somewhat weak body, yet finished very long. 
C: 90 points. would be even higher if the body is stronger. very nice and balanced. 又是支超棒的Cadenhead早期矮胖瓶.

Glen Isla 28yo 1977/2006 (48.6%, Signatory, C#19598, 274bts.)
C: yellow, Limburg sample.
N: very strong woody note, very malty. lightly peated. 牛糞味, farm, leaves, very strange and un-pleasant
P: Grassy, light body, short finish.
C: 72 points. Not the one I like, 這間酒廠比較常以Strathmill出現, 很少喝到這間酒廠的酒, 這支酒有著奇怪的牛糞味道, 超怪!

Tomintoul 40yo 1966/2006 (45.2%, The Whiskyfair, 139 bts.)
C: Yellow, Limburg sample.
N: Vanilla, sweet honey, very rich, orange, flower.
P: Medium body, long finish. Very nice, warm and rounded.
C: 91 points. Very nice old malt. still powerful and lively.很難預期這間酒廠能夠出現這樣有力道的老酒, 超棒的40年! 還是一尾活龍喔!

飲酒過量 有害健康
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