
Date: Sep. 16, 2007
Place: at home

Laphroaig 8yo (46%, DL Permier Barrel, 371 bts. Flaggon)
C: Straw, 2007 Limburg sample.
N: Very peaty, iodine, sea, Laphroaig house style. fresh fruit.
P: Light body. iodine, peaty sweet, very standard and good one.
C: 89 points. Quite easy but nice. 小木屋也有進了幾支這種扁陶瓶系列, 國外有進這系列的商家並不多, 似乎都是年輕款46%居多.

Laphroaig 12yo 1994/2007 (46%, TWE Single Malt of Scotland, C#6380/6589, 705 bts.)
C: Straw. Sample from Sukinder
N: Peat, sea, grain.
P: Medium light body, sweet, rounded finish. 
D: A little bit better, more boggy feel.
C: 85 points. Palate better than nose.  Exchange裝瓶的酒以罕見酒廠的酒質優於名廠的表現, 當然這也不意外啦! Sukinder的功力讓它可以從便宜酒中挑出受好評的酒款, 自然不需要去抱名廠的大腿.

Laphroaig 15yo (43%, OB, "15" in red color. +/-1980)
C: Gold, quit oil, 1007 Limburg sample.
N: Niceold malt nose, peaty, heather. Grain, Vanilla, elegant, medium peated. Not quite like the current 15yo.
P: Medium body, finished very well. sweet, some cookie sweet feel.
C: 92 points. 完全不像目前15年的產品, 很愉悅而感覺超棒的酒, 沒有蕭瑟感喔!

Laphroaig 10yo 1996/2007 (53.3%, Exculsive Malts. C#3683)
C: Straw. 2007 Limburg samples
N: Peat and grain, Iodine. Sea.
P: Light body, iodine, young.
C: 88 points. Good palate, just the Laphroaig you like. 簡單而好喝的一支Laphroaig. Exclusive Malts的選酒真棒, 真的該想辦法買幾支進來.

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    Single Malt Lover!

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