

主題: Bowmore New bottling Vertical Tasting

時間: Sep. 15,2007 pm 2~6
地點: 蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌協會 台北會員室

首先要再次感謝代理商橡木桶的熱情贊助新瓶裝12, 15, 18等三支酒款, 還有山發公司的Dewar Rattary裝瓶, 以及SMWS的場地優惠, 當然更免不了加上眾家酒友們的重量級插花酒, 以及邱大哥的辛勞,真的是很熱情的一天.


難得爆滿的一次品飲, Bowmore的魅力驚人!



Bowmore 12yo (40%, OB, 2007 new presentation)
C: Brown.
N: Peaty, citrus/lime, comparing fruity, lot's grain/malty feel.
P: Peaty bitter, light, finished short.
C: 78 points. Comparing easy, not too impressive.  以Bowmore來說, 這隻酒出現太多清新果香, 雖然不錯, 但是不是期待中的波摩.

Bowmore 15yo Darkest (43%, OB, 2007 new presentatio)
C: Dark brown.
N: Boggy, chocolate, toffee, peaty, somewhat farm/animal like.
P: A little bit soapy.
D: more seaweed and standard Bowmore house style.
C: 81 points. a nice sherry Bowmore.  對於喜歡雪莉桶波摩的人, 這隻酒應該是不錯的選擇

Bowmore 17yo (43%, OB, 2007 new presentation, DFS only)
C: Brown.
N: Peaty, soapy, perfume.
P: Very soapy.
C: 74 points. a little bit too much perfume and soap.  好像在喝肥皂水這是我在新加坡機場買的, 還真是買對了, 大家以後別來問我肥皂水的味道到底是怎麼樣了!

Bowmore 18yo (43%, OB, 2007 new presentation)
C: Brown.
N: Sherry influence, prum. malty, little soap.
P: quite soapy but accetable. Bowmore singature house style. 
C: 80 points. A litle it soap but acceptable.  還算可以接受的酒款, 不過印象並不深刻!

Bowmore 25yo (43%, OB, 750ml, old lable, +/-2002)
C: Brown.
N: Malty, boggy, old Bowmore nose. Grain, barn.seaweed.
P: Very nice old malt. Very enjoyable and want to drink another one.
C: 88 points. Nice choice.  果然是好酒一支, 雋永的老波摩!

Bowmore 25yo (43%, OB, 2007 new presentation.)
C: Brown.
N: More fresh fruit. Malty, with more power.
P: Sweet, easy, matured.
C: 82 points. Easy, seems not that old.  感覺上比較輕鬆.不是期待中的味道.

Date: Sep. 16, 2007
Place: at home (喝不完, 裝回來的.)

Bowmore NAS Cask Strength (56%, OB, old label, <2006)
C: Brown.
N: Sherry influence, prum, light peat, boggy, sea, nice and rounded nose.
P: Clear Bowmore house style. seaweed,more iodine.
C: 85 points. Quite nice edition. good for everyday dramming. 比我預期的要好得多, 蠻成熟而有酒廠特色的產品, 重點是酒精度夠高.

Bowmore 15yo 1991/2007 (47.3%, Dewar Rattary, C#2072, 500 Bts.)
C: Clear gold.
N: Sherry influence,chocolate, smokiness, peay, iodine.
P: Medium light body, peaty bitter, finihed short.
C: 84 points. Again, not very Bowmore. 感覺上雖然不錯, 但是並不很波摩.

Date: May 24, 2007
Place: SMWS台北會員室 (選酒)

Bowmore 17yo 1988/2006 (53.7%, SMWS, C#3.125)
C: Light yellow.
N: Flower, peat, somewhat remind you Lush, but not very soapy. Sea breeze.
P: Very standard Bowmore, seaweed. nut, finished very dry.
C: 88 points. Nose the best, dilute got better finish. Very standard Bowmore.  喜歡波摩的酒友應該會喜歡這隻.

本日得分最高的小雙雙: 100分



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