Date: May 22, 2007
Place : at home

Lagavulin 12yo (43%, OB, Creamin Label)
C: Brown, watering, sample from 2006 Limburg Whisky fair
N: Very peaty, with lot's of sherry influence. sulfer, chocolate, heather, burned logs.
P: Strong, intence, malty, King.
C: 91 points. Nosing the best, very enjoyable.  這支酒是去年第一次參加Limburg拿回來的sample, 當時在會場就跟Maniacs的Luc分享了一杯, 後來有特別裝了30ml回來. 一直不捨得喝, 這支酒應該是80年代初期的裝瓶, ,真的很棒!

Lagavulin 12yo (75 proof, OB, 80's White label)
C: Brown gold , seems oil, 2007 Limburg sample.
N: Shrried, peat, smoke, prum, chocolate, tropical fruit, more grain/malt feel.
P: Medium light body, medium finish. minty. old malt. seems thin.
C: 91 points. very complex, nice, layered. 這支酒應該也是80年代左右的裝瓶, 猜測應該是比前一支要更老一點, 75~80年代的可能性居大. 與前一支酒的調性不完全相同, 但是還是一樣讓人喜歡.

Vanilla Sky (Lagavulin) 14yo 1992/2006 (53%, The Whisky Fair, 297bts.) 
C: Light yellow.
N: Peaty, boggy, grain, tropical fruit, simple, strong.
P: Medium light body, medium finish. very drinkable. 
C: 88 points. easy, but enjoyable. 這支酒是Whiskyfair的裝瓶, 在標籤上面完全看不出酒廠的名字, 只是私底下知道來自Lagavulin.   應該有不只一個版本. 如果不考慮進口的運費與關稅, 其實算是相當划算的選擇.

Lagavulin 30yo (52.6%, OB, 2,340 Bts.)
C: Golden.
N: Medium peaty level. very malty, old barn. 
P: medium body. long finish. very good finish.
C: 92 points. Av ery nice old dram. not particur impressive but just a good dram you'd like to enjoy. Perfect balanced. 以波本桶為主的酒, 相當容易飲用, 沒有負擔.


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