
這次在Limburg現場喝的酒很少, 不過這兩支雖然很保守的沒有給90以上, 但是都是印象深刻的好酒. 個人非常喜歡

Date: Apr. 20, 2007 
Place: Limburg Whisky Fair

Clynelish 14yo 1992/2006 (60.4%, Clydesdale, C#0264/7164, 290 bts.)
89 points
. A little bit salty, very malty, some fruity feel, powerful nose, light body, long finish, very easy drinking but with lot's of power.  Clydesdale是Blackadder 老闆Robin開給他女兒的新公司, 第一批裝瓶的都是些十幾年的原酒, 清一色的超高酒精度, 已經試過的幾支都有相當棒的表現, Robin對這個系列的解釋就是沒有殘渣的Raw Cask.

Clynelish 17yo Manager's Dram (61.8%, OB, Sherry Cask, bottled in 1998)
89 points
. Lot's of wood influence. Some light sherry nose, Malty. very standard Clynelish malty feel. A little bit lack or touch.  相對於社團上禮拜喝的Linkwood Manager's dram.  這支酒可以感覺出更多酒廠的特色, 但是也少了一點點讓人訝異之處, 兩支的水準差不多. 帶了一個sample回來給仕原, 大家流口水吧!

Date: May 24, 2007
Place: at home, (Limurg samples)

Clynelish 1983/2002 (47%, Samaroli, C#2685, 306 bts.)
C: Yellow, watering.
N: Lot's citrus, fresh fruit, apple, vanilla, hint of cookie, fresh and good.
P: Light body, finished long. Very good palate. fruity sweet, a little bit salty.
C: 89 points. A ver nice Clynelish, fresh but with lot's of good nose, but still very drinkable. 這支酒可能是少數喝過不錯的Samaroli裝瓶, 記得應該在Auction看過幾次. 在很清新的感覺中還出現相當多層次的香氣, 口感相當棒的一支酒, 幾乎可以給90, 但是感覺酒廠風格較不明顯而猶豫.

Clynelish 28yo 1971/1999 (53.9%, Signatory, C#2707, 285 bts.)
C: yellow, 有點混濁.
N: very typical clynelish/brora nose, some animal, 餿麥, but still clear fruity and malty feel.
P: Light body, old malt feel. last long. kind of weak in body, minty palate.
C: 83 points. a typical old Clynelish, but not very impressive.  老的Clynelish/Brora會出現的餿麥味, 還是很猶豫是否Claudia聽到的嬰兒奶香.


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