Date: May 3, 2007

Lochside 15yo 1990/2005 (50%, OMC, C#1548, 275 bts.)
C: Gold yellow, clear, Limburg sample.
N: Lot's of citrus, hint of vanilla and malt. a little bit woody feel.
P: young, malty, frtuiy. fresh , light body. short finish.
C:78 points. a vey easy and fresh malt. very simple.看一看我還喝了不少這間酒廠的酒, 都是大魔王給的, 弄得我似乎看到這間酒廠就會想喝. 大魔王什麼時候來辦個Lochside品酒會啊?

Lochside 35yo 1966/2002 (50%, OMC, 216bts.)
C: Gold, seems thicker than the first dram. Limburg sample.
N: Clear sherry influence, toffee, prum, citrus, old grain. it is interesting that sherry nose disappear quickly, vanilla, a very complex and thick body malt.
P: Medium heavy body, malty sweet. creamy, yet finished a little bit prum. very nice dram.
C: 91 points. unexpected good , a winner for sure.  這間酒廠的老酒通常都有相當優異的表現, 60年代的表現尤佳, 絕對是一級酒廠的水準.

由左至右分別是Kingfisher, Bert, Robert, 另外兩位在比誰是最年輕的Maniac, 兩人都是1975年生.(我雖然大了他們四歲半以上, 但是我覺得我看起來似乎沒有比他們老! ^_^)

Lochside 42yo 1963 (45.2%, DL the Clan Deny, Grain Whisky)
C: Brown, thick and oil. 2006 MM award sample.
N: very thick, lot's of vanilla creaming, good nose.
P: Medium body, mediu finish, a little bit sour.
C: 89 points. same as the award score. Very nice old dram, just lack of touch.  在1970年之前這間酒廠同時擁有罐式與連續蒸餾器, 這支酒是我唯一知道的Lochside 穀物威士忌!

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