
Date: Feb.3, 2007
Place: 諶大哥家聚
Attendents: Mitch, Gerry, Bird, Shan, Kingfisher.

感謝諶大哥熱情招待, "媽媽的廚房"真的很好吃(桃園市春日路右轉大興西路陸橋旁), 每到菜都很棒, 個人大力推薦茄子肥腸! 不過不知道是否被美味佳餚所影響, 今天晚上喝的每一支酒感覺都很苦, 回家後開了支平常覺得很甜的紅酒(Torbrech Woodcutter Shiraz 2005)還是很苦, 顯然是個人因素, 所以大家就不用太在意我當天的評語了!

Ardbeg 14yo 1991/2005 (50%, OMC, Refill Hogshead, C#DLRef 2252, 358 Bts.)
C: light yellow.
N: Peated, malty sweet, cookie, a little bit tropical fruit.
P: Light body, medium finish, dilute become very drug/medicine and bitter palate.
C: 82 points. The first impression is very standard Young Ardbeg with less fruity feel. But then it turned to be too light in style.  這支是由吉珍屋進口的, 不過居然社員喝過的不多, 在場除了提供酒的諶大哥外都是第一次品飲.

Ardbeg 25yo 1975/2001 (58%, John Milroy, Sherry Butt)
C: Gold brown.
N: Peaty, very fruity, lot's of tropical fruit, sherry influence, peaty. litte malty feel.
P: Medium body, warm, mild, medium finish.
C: 89 points. 2 points less than my previous score.  We all agree this bottle need some time.  這支收藏級而非常被推崇的酒還是開了, 可惜的是美好的回憶不在, 是被前一支酒影響的嗎? 還是今晚的口感問題? 不過可以確定的是到了離開之前這支酒的表現好了很多, 也許再過一個禮拜, 諶大哥就會找回過去的那份感動了!

Longmorn 36yo 1970/2006 (56.1%, Whisky Exchange Single malt of Scotland label, 255 Bts. Sherry)
89 points. 2 scores less then my MM Award score. 這支就是有得去年MM Award金牌的酒, 聞香還是很棒, 不過我喝起來還是感覺有點弱, 苦味還是在, 致此已經確定是個人因素, 所以放棄認真品飲!

Mortlach 30yo 1973/2004 (50%, OMC, C#DL Ref 1388, 298 Bts.)
87 points
. 我帶去的酒, 清新而有活力, 相當漂亮的Mortlach, 吉珍屋進的! 也是沒人嘗試過的酒. 社員們似乎真的不是很常買他們家的東西!

Glenfarclas 1965/2005 (48.5%, Scott's Sel.)
85 points.
很標準的Glenfarclas, 但是力道有點不足, 他們家的老酒就是要夠力道才撐得起重雪莉風味!

Ileach Islay Single Malt 58%
89 points.
Mitch帶回來的紀念品, 雖然店員說是Lagavulin, 我覺得比較像是Laphroaig, 香氣口感都很漂亮的一支酒!

Ardbeg 1975/2003 (43%, G&M, Connoisseurs Choice)
85 points
. 相當標準的老Ardbeg香氣, 酒體比較弱, 聽說本次品飲感覺比前次聚會好非常的多!


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