
到了餐廳, 大家還沒點菜就開始掏寶!

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Kelt pure malt

80 points. very easy, more like blend, sweet fruity.  這支酒居然是Serge帶來的酒, 據說是某著名輪船專用酒的復刻版, 有趣的是上面居然出現台灣的高雄與基隆, 真的讓我小小興奮了一下!


Macallan NAS 1963 (43%, Imported for da Flli Rinaldi, 80s)

87 points. old malt, dried fruit, matured, prune, chocolate. last long. very different from the current bottling. finish the best. 沒有標示酒齡, 據說應該也是大約十八年的產品. 很不錯的老麥卡倫.


Longmorn 31yo 1976/2007 (54.1%, The Whiskyfair, bourbon hogshead, 131 bts.)

86 points. very malty with little orange and prune. dried fruit, good fruity finish. 查了一下知前只給了80, 算是給分較低的MM, 不過這支酒倒是評價頗不一致就是了.


Glenfarclas 11yo 1966/1977 (80 proof, Cadenhead, dumpy, 75cl)

 84 points. malty cookie, grain, old malt, dried fruit, refill sherry butt? finished well. need some time to breath. 好像還沒醒開的感覺, 有點可惜!



Laphroaig 7yo 2000/2007 (46%, Van Wees Ultimate, C#3691, Refill butt)

88 points. Peaty, fatique old cask, tropical fruit, tannin, iodine, still powerful, similar to the 15yo ob. dilute feel better. 雖然一開始感覺木桶有點疲乏, 但是後段還出現相當不錯的表現, 有些原廠15yo的聯想.


很開心的開始吃飯, 還喝了Olivier的酒, 當然也一如預期的鬧到一點多才走, 還好下午有聽老婆的話睡了個午覺來拼場, 沒有如同前幾年那樣邊吃邊睡了!




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