
Date: Feb. 16, 2008

Place: SMWS Taipei Member Room

很棒的一次垂直品飲, 相當有變化的選酒, 感覺上Inchgower是麥芽味很重的海岸Speysider, 鹹中帶甜的重酒體風格, 相當值得留意的酒廠.感謝仁山兄的熱心安排!

Inchgower 14yo (43%, OB Flora & Fauna)
C: Light yellow.
N: Sweet malty note, citrus, robust, hint of animal, tropical fruit.
P: Very sweet, but not too much caramel feel. easy, malty, powerful, nutty finish.
C: 80 points. 相當甜的一隻酒, 值得稱讚的事並沒有太多焦糖的甜膩感, 加水稀釋後略為出現一些海岸風格, 讓我有些微Talisker的聯想, 也許是因為麥芽甜味的關係, 並不差,可惜比較沒有個性.

Inchgower 12yo (40%, OB Arther Bells Sons plc, Cream label, +/- 1980. B#076111)
C: Brown.
N: Old malt, topical fruit, hint of peat, clear sherry influence, standard Speyside style, hint of boggy.
P: Light body, short finish, weak, dry.
D: Much better, last long. get more fruity palate. pear.
C: 80 points. 相當複雜而具有老酒的特色, 與現今威士忌風格相當不同, 頗具70年代威士忌的風味. 可惜酒體感覺薄弱, 尾韻有些堅果苦味, 乾澀.

Inchgower 1974/2006 (46%, Berrys Brother & Rudd, C Ref#BBR877)
C: Yellow.
N: Marine character, very fruity. (Pear, pine apple) minty, tropical fruit, salty.
P: Very dry. matured, rounded.
C: 88 points相當優雅的一支酒, 讓我感覺像是躺在地中海航行的帆船上做日光浴, 海風徐徐吹來, 真棒. 這支酒是我自己跑去倫敦的BBR帶回來的酒喔!

Inchgower 21yo 1985/2006 (50.6%, SMWS, C#18.25, Continental Breakfest)
C: Light yellow.
N: Woody, pear, exausted cask. eggy. 
P: Light body, short finish. 
C: 80 points. 相當簡單的波本桶(好像是這次唯一的一隻?) 有很多的蛋味, 相當平淡而沒有特色, 感覺像是用了疲乏的桶子, 其實應該要給更低的.

Inchgower 27yo 1976/2004 (55.6%, Rare Malts)
C: Yellow.
N: Coastal, very salty, marine. rich, creaming, malty and fruty.
P: Medium heavy body, stong.
C: 87 points. 相當飽滿的海岸風格, 好喝而強悍, 打漁的酒!

Inchgower 38yo 1965/2003 (50.4%, DL platinum, 432 bts, sherry wood.)
C: brown red.
N: Heavily sherried. black chocolate. lot's tropical fruit, malty.
P: Very salty, sea water, 
C: 84 points. 鹹到有點像是加入了海水的感覺, 重酒體, 強悍的老漁夫. 相當有趣的一支酒, 只是喝不多! 

Inchgower, 25yo 1980 (54.1%, Jack&Jack, Sherry Cask, 300 bts, uld Distillers Collection)
C: Brown red.
N: Smoky, prum, chocolate, match box.
P: Prum,salty, smoky, gun powder, rich, rounded.
C: 86 points. 最重雪莉的一支酒, 相當多的火藥煙燻味, 口感相當的澀, 有單寧感, 還好這隻被攔截下來在品酒會用, 很有趣的一個重雪莉對比.

Inchgower 26yo 1980/2007 (53.4%, Signatory, C#14144, 537 bts. Sherry butt)
C: Brown. 
N: Still very salty. smoky, lot's prum. malty.
P: Medium light body, long finish, rounded.
C: 83 poins. 相當清楚的麥芽甜味, 標準的Speyside風格, 輕鬆的一支酒. 感謝David大哥插花.

飲酒過量 有害健康


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