Yoichi 18yo 1987/2006 (55,2%, SMWS C#116.9, 'From Madeira to the Caribbean') 
C: Brown.
Grassy, peaty, smoky, grainy
Warm, powerful, last long. Matured, medium body, long finish. A little bit too smoky.
C: 92 points. Very good peaty malt. ,有點訝異發現這支是我喝過的SMWS余市, 一年前造訪京都K6的時候日本友人很熱心的請我喝了116.9 與 116.10兩支, 我們都覺得這支比較好喝, 不過當時並不覺得泥煤這麼清楚, 也只給了88分, 不過這也似乎不需要那麼意外, 余市的泥煤含量本來就是日本威士忌當中最高的一支. 這支酒得了銀牌第二名, 也同時得到珍稀組的最佳特別桶過桶或是陳年獎項. 我並不是很確定這個原因, 也許有人認為酒標上面的Caribbean暗示這桶酒是Rum Finish? 不過個人認為並沒有Rum桶的暗示, 而且查了一下SMWS的網站並沒有特別提及桶子的類型, 反而是另外一個日本網站寫了250L活性樽的字眼, 猜測應該是Hogshead. 所以也許又是支烏龍獎項的酒吧?!

Glen Grant 1972/2007 (54.9%, The Single Malts of Scotland)
Brown and reddish
Sherry nose, rich, lot's fruit, mellow, malty, 
Medium heavy body, medium long finish. Perfect sherry malt. Very balanced. 
C: 92 points.
Layered and balanced. 這支Exchange裝瓶的好酒得到今年的金牌第七名的酒, 難得的是exchange雖然等到獎項公佈後才上架, 但是並沒有刻意調高價錢, 這年頭要去哪裡找大約台幣5000塊錢一瓶的金牌老酒呢? 替Sukinder鼓掌一下!

North British 45yo 1962/2007 (59.9%, The Prestonfield, C#46556, 235 bottles, For LMDW )
C: Gold.
N: Vanilla, sweet, candy, bakery, grain.
P: Powerful, medium body, long finish. very nice palate and finish.
C: 92 points. unique and good tasting. I like it.
這支我很喜歡的穀物威士忌僅僅得到今年的銅牌, 是專為法國酒專La Maison du Whiksy的裝瓶,不過報價頗高, 似乎是有點超出我的想像.

Yamazaki Vintage Malt 1980/2004 (56%, OB)
C: Brown.
N: Prum, toffee, lot's grain, sweet, candy like.
P: Medium light body, medium finish, very nice palate. Lot's chocolate, matured, long finish.
C: 92 point. Layered and complex, extremly good quality.
有點像是梅酒般的感覺. 今年的銀牌第十名, 在次證明山崎的Vintage Malt系列真的都很不錯, 只是這個系列的酒還真的很難買.

Glenfiddich 1973 (46.6%, OB for LMDW, Cask #28563)
C: Brown.
N: Mint, malty, old grain, fresh, lime, very nice flower note. 
P: Sweet, orange, dry, very good palate, dry finish, medium body,
C: 92 points. Very fresh old malt.  這支酒得到今年的銀牌, 怪事, 今年只要是幫LMDW裝瓶的酒似乎都很合我的口味. 不意外的, Glenfiddich的特別款好酒還真的不是一般的貴, 還真的很M型化定價呢!

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