
目前分類:個人品飲紀錄 (283)

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Bruichladdich NAS PEAT (46%, OB)

C: Yellow.
N: Peaty, fruity, some lemon zest, fresh fruit, grassy, hint of boggy and earthy note.

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Date: Mar. 15, 2008
Place: at home.

Clynelish 36yo 1971/2007 (44.6%, OMC, C#DL Ref#3913, 191 bts. refill hogshead)


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 Date: Mar. 13, 2008

Place: at home.

Macallan 18yo 1986 Mission Five (46%, MMCD, 930 bts. Bourbon/Port Cask)

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Glen Grant 30yo 1977 (57.4%, DL Douglas of Drumlanrig, sherry butt, exclusive for whiksy.com.tw)

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Date: Mar. 12, 2008
Place: at home. 


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Date: Aug. 10, 2008
Place: at home.

社團七月份的例行品飲由小謝兄舉辦, 服役中的小謝兄不只撥空北上, 還很認真的開出了相當罕見而具話題的酒單, 可惜Kingfisher有重要家庭聚會無法出席, 臨時改買樣品, 昨日抽空品飲了這些酒, 果然是相當有趣的一些品項, 再次感謝!

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Miltonduff 11yo 1996 (54.1%, Exclusive Malts, C#5566, 327 bts. Finished in Ch. Du pape wine cask)
C: Light peach, beautiful color, clear, quite watering.
N: New spirit like, very malty. with citrus, vanilla, hintof vinigar, a little bit cookie, very fruity.

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Ardmore 13yo 1994 (52.5%, Exclusive Malts, C#335, 424bts, peated)
C: very light in color, almost whie.
N: Very peaty, sweet, more like Laphroaig, fruty, with some vanilla.

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Date: Jan. 13, 2008
Place: at home.

Glen Elgin 14yo 1991/2005 (59.8%, Signatory, C#2318, 612 Bts. Sherry cask)
C: Golden, sample from Power Magic.

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Date: Jan. 11, 2008
Place: at home.

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Date: July, 28, 2008
Place: at home

Littlemill 17yo 1990/2007 (56%, SMWS#97.9)
C: Golden.

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Date: Jan. 10, 2008
Place: at home

Edradour 11yo 1994/2005 (56.7%, OB, #04/158/4, 1195 Bts, Port Pipe finish, SFTC)
C: Golden quite watering.

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Date: Jan. 9th, 2008
Place: at home.

Mortlach 11yo 1988/2000 (43%, Signatory, C#2648, Sherry cask, 35cl bottle)
C: Yellow, sample from Power Magic, thanks.

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Date: Jan. 8th, 2008
Place: at home

Ardbeg 6yo 2001/2007 "Badger" (46%, Milroys of Soho, bourbon hogshead, C#27, 298 bts.)
C: Straw, very light in color.

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Date: Jan. 1, 2008
Place: at home.

Clynelish 13yo 1989/2002 (46%, Chieftain's, 810 bts. South African Sherry cask)
Golden, quite watering.

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Date: Dec. 31, 2007
Place: at home

應該是去年紀錄的最後一篇了, post上來的速度還真的落後很多. B大偶而都會跟國外有人購買sample, 也總是很大方的與我分享, 再次感謝. 如果沒記錯的話我這幾支好像給分都比B大高分很多, 不知道是否是因為感謝B大盛情之故!

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本來想先把美國之行寫完, 不過公司事情實在太多, 每天晚上都不太能集中精神, 還是先寫些品飲紀錄充場面好了!

Date: Jun. 5th, 2008
Place: at home.

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常常收到很多酒友提供的sample, 有時候記得還, 有時候真的忘記了, 如有虧待之處還請大家體諒, 有機會喝到我提供的插花酒時就請大口多喝一點!

Date: Dec. 19, 2007
Place: at home.

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Date: May 4th, 2008
Place: at home. 

今年以來沒有很認真的逛酒專, 這幾隻剛好的是今年進來台灣的酒, 大家參考一下.

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Date: May 8, 2008
Place: at home.

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